Department of Sanskrit


As pet the Indian tradition Sanskrit Language has no beginning and no ending .it is eternal.Self-born God has created it. it is divine .it is everlasting . it was first used in Vedas and thereafter it has been the means of expression in there fields.

Sanskrit is an ancient and classical language of India in which ever first book of the world Rigveda was compiled. it is presumed that the language used in Vedas was prevalent in the form of different dialects. it was to some extent different from the present Sanskrit .it is termed as Vedic Sanskrit . Each Veda had its book of grammar known as Pratishkhya. the pratishkhyas explained the forms of the words and other grammatical points. Later,so many schools of grammar developed. During this period a vast literature-Vedas,Brahman-Granthas , Aranykas, Upanishads and Vedangas had come to existence which could be termed as vedic Literature being written in Vedic Sanskrit.

Panini (500 B.C) was a great landmark in the development of Sanskrit language Literary Sanskrit and spoken Sanskrit both followed Panini "s system of language. Today the correctness of Sanskrit language is tested upon the touchstone of panini"s Ashtadhyayee.

Sanskrit is said to belong to indo-Aryan or Indo Germanic Family of languages which includes Greek, Latin and other alike languages.William Jones, remarked that Sanskrit is more perfect than Greek, more copious than Latin and more refined than either.He said -"Sanskrit is a wonderful language". it is noteworthy that though ancient and classical, Sanskrit is still used as medium of expression by scholars throughout India and some where in other parts of the world e.g. America, and Germany. Sanskrit is included in the list of modern Indian Languages in the 8th schedule of the constitution of India.

Sanskrit has been the source of later languages and literature in India. pali and Prakrit were first to develop from Sanskrit .

Sanskrit is the mother of all Indian languages representing Indian heritage and culture;it is the language with perfect grammar being developed into a computer language by IITs, Sanskrit Universities and Many National Institutions.This language encompasses within its fold arts,science,commerce,law , and economics and so is a major language for character building because it has many sayings that are useful for development of human body,mind and soul.


Establishment of the Department-Sanskrit Department was established in 1968 from the inception of the college.