HR Sessions

25/4/2024   Compensation and benefit policies in companies 

Webinar hosted by Harshita, a seasoned HR professional, on May 25th, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. 

Get ready to dive deep into the intricacies of compensation and benefits and learn how top companies structure their policies to attract and retain top talent! 

Level up your HR knowledge. Register now     

*Register here:*                         Feedback Link - Click here  (you have to mention your key take-aways from the session)

Role of HR in different industries

*Explore HR Beyond the Corporate Sphere*  -  Curious about the myriad ways HR impacts industries beyond the corporate realm?   Participate in  webinar to delve into the versatile roles of HR across various sectors. From healthcare to hospitality, uncover intriguing career opportunities you may not have considered before.                      

 Register now: ** 

Feedback Link -Click here                      Session TAKE AWAYS