IEEE AEC MTT-S Student Branch Chapter

General information: On the inaugural program Dr. Goutam Chattopadhyay (NASA) and Dr. Chinmoy Saha (IIST) participated as Chief Guest. The Experts arrival in the Asansol Engineering College was followed by their visit to the Electronics and Communication Department and inauguration of MTT-S IEEE Student Chapter was held. The IEEE chapter was formally inaugurated by the Dr. Goutam Chattopadhyay and Dr. Chinmoy Saha by lighting the inauguration lamp. The Experts were then escorted to the Vivekananda Seminar Hall after the inaugural session. Mr. Sambit S Mondal hosted the program and spoke about the history of Asansol Engineering College. The most eloquent and powerful inaugural speech was delivered by Dr. Chittajit Sarkar, IEEE AEC SBC COUNSELOR. Delegates were then called to the dias where they were felicitated by Dr.Arunava De , HOD , ECE. After that, HOD of ECE spoke few words about the department and program. Dr. Goutam Chattopadhyay (NASA) was formally introduced by Mr. Sambit S Mondal. Dr. Goutam Chattopadhyay gave a brief introduction regarding NASA and his association with IEEE alongside, being the IEEE MTT-S MGA CHAIR. He gave a brief lecture on how the space explorations are being carried out in this modern era and what are the technologies associated with it. He also showcased his expertise doing research in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at NASA. Dr. Chinmoy Saha (IIST) was formally introduced by Dr. Ashmi Chakraborty and followed by presentation of Dr. Chinmoy Saha . He gave a brief introduction regarding Wireless power transfer,further he spoke about the trends of this power transfer, the techniques and the challenges of wireless power transfer. He also gave a brief exposure of his research domain on IIST, Tiruvananthapuram. An interactive session was also organized to interact with these top notched scientists. At the end experts interacted with students and faculty/staff. Mementos were given to both the experts of NASA,USA and IIST. Prize were distributed to the best student volunteers by Dr. Goutam Chattopadhyay(NASA) and Dr. Chinmoy Saha (IIST). Feedback forms were distributed and collected from the participants. Vote of Thanks was given by Student Branch Chair, Mr. Biswajit Bose.