Welcome Address


Guest Introduction

Address by Ms. Preetha Joseph, Department of Defense, DRDO


Demystifying Industry 5.0 Through Defence Projects And Academic Proposal Development Using Quality 4.0

06.04.2022 - 11.00 am to 12.00 pm

Objective of the Event:

This event is planned to know about the Industry 4.0, an initiative from Germany, has become a globally adopted term in the past decade. Many countries have introduced similar strategic initiatives and a considerable research effort has been spent on developing and implementing some of the Industry 4.0 technologies. At the ten-year mark of the introduction of Industry 4.0, the European Commission announced Industry 5.0. Industry 4.0 is considered to be technology-driven, whereas Industry 5.0 is value-driven. The co-existence of two Industrial Revolutions invites questions and hence demands discussions and clarifications.

Benefits in terms of learning/ skill/ knowledge obtained:

Many companies are on their journey of Industry 4.0 and this journey is not to be derailed. This said, it may need to be re-purposed and/or adjusted with a more prominent consideration of some of the core values of Industry 5.0, i.e., sustainability, human-centricity and resilience. Therefore, there is, and should be, just one journey for a business. Typically, an Industry Revolution is driven by transformative technological advances, which has led to fundamental changes in how the industry functions. These changes have economic and societal consequences. However, a word of caution is that a proliferation of buzz words, such as Industry 4.0+, Industry 4.5 and even Industry 6.0 and Industry 7.0 in a not-too-distant future, may dawn upon us.

Description of the Event:

Industry 5.0 recognizes the power of industry to achieve societal goals beyond jobs and growth, to become a resilient provider of prosperity by making production respect the boundaries of our planet and placing the wellbeing of the industry worker at the center of the production process. Industry 5.0 complements the existing Industry 4.0 paradigm by having research and innovation drive the transition to a sustainable, human-centric and resilient European industry. It is apparent that Industry 5.0 results from the European Commission’s consensus on the need better to integrate social and environmental European priorities into technological innovation and shift the focus from individual technologies to a systematic approach. With the acknowledgment that technology advances transform the way value is created, exchanged and distributed, there is a pressing need for these technologies to be designed towards supporting future societal values. The advent of these changes and questions closely linked to technological innovation requires the industry to re-think its position and role in society. In addition, the political priorities in Europe have significantly shaped their thinking. The Green Deal will require a transition to a more circular economy and increased reliance on sustainable resources, including energy. The Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the need to re-think existing working methods and approaches, including the vulnerability of global supply chains, with an aim to make their industries more future-proof, resilient, sustainable and human-centric.

FDP - An innovative Approach in Solving Machine Learning Problems using Python on 01.09.22

The Event was organized by the head of the department Dr.Rashmitha Khilar (Professor & Head/ Department Data Analytics) and Dr.Beulah David(Professor/ Department Data Analytics) helped in organizing the workshop. The Chief Guest of this workshop was Mr. Srinivasa Raghavan (Senior Software Engg, Multicoreware ,INC,Chennai). The event started with a Welcome address by Dr.Beulah David formally welcomed all the Dignitaries, professors and Students with a Welcome Address.

The Chief Guest of the program Mr. Srinivasa Raghavan (Senior Software Engg,Multicoreware ,INC,Chennai) then addressed the audience with the pioneering ideas for product development. He explained to the participants about the design thinking and successful product development. He discussed about, we need always people as a team to build up the product to get ideas and to fix the issues. He gave an idea about continuous improvement with a nonlinear approach, there is some fault comes we have to improve with proper Discovery,Design and Development .We will get the improvement based on the feedback. He explained with various examples such as Retail Design ,Machine Learning concept and Python development. Finally he concluded by saying , we have to test everything before deliver to the customer.

In the end, Dr.Pushpalatha(Professor/ Department Data Analytics) offered a vote of thanks to all including Mr. Srinivasa Raghavan (Senior Software Engg,Multicoreware ,INC,Chennai). He thanked all the invited students and guests for gracing the occasion by their solemn presence. He also thanked to Dr. Ramya Deepak, Director of the College.,Saveetha School of Engineering,, Principal Dr.B.Ramesh, Dean and Head of the Department for providing all kinds of facilities to conduct such programs in the college.

Session on Motivation Through Innovation by Mr. Sanchit Ahirrao, Product Manager, SAP Labs, Canada on 13.01.2023 in Lines Hall @ Saveetha School of Engineering.