Denys Finch Hatton Memorial Bridge at Eton College in Windsor, UK

Here are some photos I took in late September 2009 of the Denys Finch Hatton Memorial Bridge at Eton College in Windsor, United Kingdom. I was inspired to visit after reading Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen last summer, in which she mentioned the dedication of this bridge. But I was disappointed to find that the bridge had since fallen into disrepair, with spots where missing plaques and ironwork had apparently recently been removed. Hopefully the College has removed these for preservation and they may be available for view in the gallery of the historical society museum.

A very nice guard directed us on our walk to the location of the bridge which we might not have found without his help.

Note - Google Earth has some more recent photos of the bridge from the street - the older ones for some reason have a big blurry area on the bottom. The more recent ones show that the missing griffons have been replaced - it looks like they may have been replaced just after my visit in 2010 based on older Google street view snapshots.

The walk from the center of campus to the bridge location.

The athletic fields and nearby pond.

The bridge is missing what looks like were lampposts and a sign of some sort. These may have been restored after these photos were taken.