Gardener Responsibilities

  • Participate in volunteer tasks such as weeding common areas, caring for community plantings and areas, caring for gardening tools, etc. by providing a minimum of 8 hours per month to the community garden.
  • The maintenance of common areas and furnishings, fencing, trees, trash receptacles, compost bins, street and alley right-of-way, and water lines.
  • Submitting dues, membership fees, and background checks.
  • Gardeners must have their plot planted by June 1st, or the plot will be forfeited and reassigned.
  • You are required to notify the Steering Committee and make arrangements to maintain your plot during any absence. If a garden appears neglected, you will be given ten (10) days notice to maintain it.
  • DUG requires water restrictions and conservation measures be followed.
  • A gardener MUST remain on the premises while watering his/her garden.
  • DUG Community Gardens are organic gardens. It is DUG policy to prohibit the use of non-organic pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers.
  • All dead plants, weeds, trash, tools, sticks and cages are to be removed or stored by November 1 each year.
  • Each gardener is responsible for conducting themselves in a civil manner that is mutually beneficial to all participants and the garden as a whole.