1)    What’s the most important part of the electric hand piece?

·      You don’t need to charge it, it is solar

·      By law, it can only be used for dentures

·      It can be used at high speed or low speed

·      This is a trick question, they were outlawed in 2012.


2)    ,When properly brushing the teeth, what area should NOT be cleaned?

·      Interproximal area

·      Incisors

·      Buccal area

·      Lingual area

3). Which of the products listed below are not to be utilized for a final impression:

·      Shun’s tool

·      Polyether

·      Alginate

·      Silicone

4). When it comes to locking cotton pliers, how does the Dental Assistant retrieve them?

·      Inbetween the pinky and ring finger

·      With the two forefingers

·      At the working end

·      Palm grip

5). When a patient is under suspicion of a local anesthesia overdose, she may undergo any of    the following reactions/symptoms except:

·      Slurred speech

·      Increased apprehension

·      Twitching

·      Decreased heart rate

6). Alginate impression, if stored in a moist environment, it may take up additional water.  What’s the name of this process?

·      Imbibition

·      Exothermic release

·      Proton absorption

·      Natural suction of the E1 section

7).What’s the correct way, when in a patient’s chart via Epic or handwritten, to document patient progress?

·      It must be looked at by the Dentist, the receptionist and then the Dental Assistant

·      The patient must look it over and then both the Dental Assistant and patient must sign at the same time

·      It must be signed and dated by the dental team member who recorded the entry

·      The dentist must give permission each and every time the dental assistant signs the chart



8). What is the definition of supine?

·      Laying on one’s side

·      Laying at a 45 degree angle

·      Laying face upward

·      Laying on one’s back

9). When working on the maxillary arch, how should the patient be positioned?

·      Always in a lateral open arch yoga position

·      Maxillary arch should be parallel to the floor with the patients mouth fully open

·      The patient should be in the Supine position

·      The patient should have their knees up to ensure maximum oxygen intake

10). When taking blood pressure, what is a normal blood pressure reading?

·      100/60

·      160/70

·      120/80

·      90/50

11). What is removed during a frenectomy?

·      The left upper molars only

·      Marginal gingiva

·      Complete frenum and the attachment of the frenum to the underlying bone

·      The lower1/2 of the jaw due to trauma

12). When is the formocresol utlized?

·      Vital non pulpotomy

·      Important pulpotomy

·      Vital pulpotomy

13). When choosing an impression tray for a patient, which of the below listed should be avoided?

·      The tray should extend 4 inches beyond the facial surfaces of the teeth

·      The impression tray needs to be deep enough to allow for impression material to flow between the tray and the occlusal surface

·      The tray should be two sizes larger than the size of the mouth to allow for adequate impression material to be loaded onto the tray.

·      The tray should never be used


1). High or low speed

2). Buccal area

3). polyether

4). At the working end

5). Decreased heart rate

6). Imbibition

7). Dental team member who recorded

8). Laying face upward

9). Supine

10). 120/80

11). Complete frenum and the attachment of the frenum to the underlying bone

12). Vital pulpotomy