Permanent Dental Implants

Permanent Dental Implants: Reclaim Your Smile with a Lasting Solution

Missing teeth can leave you self-conscious, impacting your smile, speech, and even the ability to enjoy certain foods. Thankfully, permanent dental implants offer a life-changing solution, restoring your smile's function and aesthetics with unrivaled durability.

Understanding Permanent Dental Implants

What are they?

Dental implants are biocompatible titanium posts surgically placed into your jawbone, acting as artificial tooth roots. Over time, the bone fuses with the implant through osseointegration, creating a robust and stable foundation for a tooth replacement.

Types of dental implants

Benefits of permanent dental implants

The Permanent Dental Implant Procedure

Consultation and planning

Your dentist will assess your oral health and jawbone density and discuss treatment options. X-rays and 3D imaging may be used for precise planning.

Implant placement

Local anesthesia ensures comfort during the minimally invasive surgical procedure. The implant post is inserted into the jawbone, and a healing cap is placed.

Healing and osseointegration

Healing typically takes 3-6 months, allowing the implant to fuse with the bone.

Abutment attachment

After healing, a small connector called an abutment is attached to the implant post.

Crown placement

The final restoration, such as a crown, bridge, or denture, is securely attached to the abutment, completing the implant process.

Considering the Cost of Permanent Dental Implants

Caring for Your Permanent Dental Implants

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