A LOCAL DENSITY FUNCTIONAL THEORY OF THE GROUND ELECTRONIC STATES OF ATOMS AND MOLECULES IS GENERATED FROM THREE ASSUMPTIONS: (i) The energy functional is local. (ii) The chemical potential of a neutral atom is zero. (iii) The energy of a neutral atom of atomic number Z is -0.6127 Z(7/3). The energy functional is shown to have the form [Formula: see text] where A(0)=6.4563 and B(0)=1.0058. The first term represents the electronic kinetic energy, the second term represents the electron-electron repulsion energy for N electrons, and the third term is the nucleus-electron attraction energy. The energy E and the electron density rho are obtained and discussed in detail for atoms; their general properties are described for molecules. For any system the density becomes zero continuously at a finite distance from nuclei, and contours of the density are contours of the bare-nuclear potential v. For an atomic species of fractional charge q = 1 - (N/Z), an energy formula is obtained, [Formula: see text] which fits Hartree-Fock energies of 625 atoms and ions with root-mean-square error of 0.0270. A more general local density functional involving a coefficient B(N) = B(0)N(2/3) + B(1) is briefly considered.

Density-functional theory (DFT) is a computational quantum mechanical modelling method used in physics, chemistry and materials science to investigate the electronic structure (or nuclear structure) (principally the ground state) of many-body systems, in particular atoms, molecules, and the condensed phases. Using this theory, the properties of a many-electron system can be determined by using functionals, i.e. functions of another function. In the case of DFT, these are functionals of the spatially dependent electron density. DFT is among the most popular and versatile methods available in condensed-matter physics, computational physics, and computational chemistry.

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Despite recent improvements, there are still difficulties in using density functional theory to properly describe: intermolecular interactions (of critical importance to understanding chemical reactions), especially van der Waals forces (dispersion); charge transfer excitations; transition states, global potential energy surfaces, dopant interactions and some strongly correlated systems; and in calculations of the band gap and ferromagnetism in semiconductors.[1] The incomplete treatment of dispersion can adversely affect the accuracy of DFT (at least when used alone and uncorrected) in the treatment of systems which are dominated by dispersion (e.g. interacting noble gas atoms)[2] or where dispersion competes significantly with other effects (e.g. in biomolecules).[3] The development of new DFT methods designed to overcome this problem, by alterations to the functional[4] or by the inclusion of additive terms,[5][6][7][8][9] is a current research topic. Classical density functional theory uses a similar formalism to calculate the properties of non-uniform classical fluids.

Density functional theory is generally highly accurate but highly computationally-expensive. In recent years, DFT has been used with machine learning techniques - especially graph neural networks - to create machine learning potentials. These graph neural networks approximate DFT, with the aim of achieving similar accuracies with much less computation, and are especially beneficial for large systems. They are trained using DFT-calculated properties of a known set of molecules. Researchers have been trying to approximate DFT with machine learning for decades, but have only recently made good estimators. Breakthroughs in model architecture and data preprocessing that more heavily encoded theoretical knowledge, especially regarding symmetries and invariances, have enabled huge leaps in model performance. Using backpropagation, the process by which neural networks learn from training errors, to extract meaningful information about forces and densities, has similarly improved machine learning potentials accuracy. By 2023, for example, the DFT approximator Matlantis could simulate 72 elements, handle up to 20,000 atoms at a time, and execute calculations up to 20,000,000 times faster than DFT with similar accuracy, showcasing the power of DFT approximators in the artificial intelligence age. ML approximations of DFT have historically faced substantial transferability issues, with models failing to generalize potentials from some types of elements and compounds to others; improvements in architecture and data have slowly mitigated, but not eliminated, this issue. For very large systems, electrically nonneutral simulations, and intricate reaction pathways, DFT approximators often remain insufficiently computationally-lightweight or insufficiently accurate.[33][34][35][36][37]

Classical density functional theory is a classical statistical method to investigate the properties of many-body systems consisting of interacting molecules, macromolecules, nanoparticles or microparticles.[46][47][48][49] The classical non-relativistic method is correct for classical fluids with particle velocities less than the speed of light and thermal de Broglie wavelength smaller than the distance between particles. The theory is based on the calculus of variations of a thermodynamic functional, which is a function of the spatially dependent density function of particles, thus the name. The same name is used for quantum DFT, which is the theory to calculate the electronic structure of electrons based on spatially dependent electron density with quantum and relativistic effects. Classical DFT is a popular and useful method to study fluid phase transitions, ordering in complex liquids, physical characteristics of interfaces and nanomaterials. Since the 1970s it has been applied to the fields of materials science, biophysics, chemical engineering and civil engineering.[50] Computational costs are much lower than for molecular dynamics simulations, which provide similar data and a more detailed description but are limited to small systems and short time scales. Classical DFT is valuable to interpret and test numerical results and to define trends although details of the precise motion of the particles are lost due to averaging over all possible particle trajectories.[51] As in electronic systems, there are fundamental and numerical difficulties in using DFT to quantitatively describe the effect of intermolecular interaction on structure, correlations and thermodynamic properties.

Nevertheless, even though DFT is an exact theory in principle, its approximate variants currently used are far from being fail-safe. Validation of these approximations is an important part of ongoing research in the field. New pitfalls are being discovered constantly, and there are still problems in using DFT for certain systems or interactions. One such fundamental problem that has become increasingly apparent as the systems that could be treated have become larger is the description of dispersion. A seemingly weak interaction per se, dispersion is omnipresent and can add up to a substantial force in large assemblies of atoms and molecules. It thus becomes very important in systems ranging from biomolecules to the areas of supramolecular chemistry and nanomaterials. However, in particular over the last decade, several new DFT approaches have been developed to overcome these problems. These range from highly parametrized density functionals to the addition of explicit, empirical dispersion terms. Research into this area (including the development of new functionals as well as assessment studies of these) continues to be very active.

This work presents a rigorous theory to unify the two independent theoretical frameworks of Kohn-Sham (KS) density-functional theory (DFT) and reduced-density-matrix-functional theory (RDMFT). The generalization of the KS orbitals to hypercomplex number systems leads to the hypercomplex KS (HCKS) theory, which extends the search space for the electron density in KS-DFT and reformulates the kinetic energy. The HCKS theory provides a general framework, and different dimensions of the HCKS orbitals lead to different HCKS methods, with KS-DFT and RDMFT being two cases corresponding to the smallest and largest dimensions. Furthermore, a series of tests show that HCKS can capture the multireference nature of strong correlation by dynamically varying fractional occupations, while maintaining the same computational scaling as the KS method. With great potential to overcome the fundamental limitations of the KS method, HCKS creates new possibilities for the development and application of DFT.

The initial ANI-1x data set was generated as a part of an active learning procedure to develop the ANI-1x potential5. Active learning is where an ML model is used to determine what new data should be included in later generations to improve predictive ability. Figure 1a depicts the active learning algorithm. First, an ensemble of ANI models is trained to an initial bootstrap data set. Databases of molecules such as GDB-1146,47, ChEMBL48, and generated (with the RDKit cheminformatics python package49) amino acids and 2-amino acid peptides are randomly sampled for new molecule configurations, and one of four types of active learning sampling techniques is carried out on each of the selected molecules. These sampling techniques include molecular dynamics sampling, normal mode sampling, dimer sampling, and torsion sampling. These methods are described further in then Sampling methods section. Our active learning procedure involves a search through chemical and conformational space, employing a measure of estimated uncertainty to choose what new data should be generated, then including the new data in the next training cycle. The uncertainty estimate provides a priori information about the ensembles predictive performance. The uncertainty estimate employed in the ANI-1x active learning is based on an ensemble disagreement measure, henceforth referred to as tag_hash_110. The value tag_hash_111 is proportional to the standard deviation of the prediction of an ensemble of ML models, normalized by the square root of the number of atoms in the system. It is described in detail in a previous publication5. When the uncertainty metric hints that a given molecular structure is poorly described (i.e., a large tag_hash_112 value), new DFT data is generated and added to the training data set. The ensemble of models is then retrained with the new data added to the original data set. The new data is added in batches to accelerate the active learning process. The entire process is carried out iteratively to produce a successively more diverse data set, and hence a more robust ML model. In this work we use molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and geometry optimizations with our ML models. These simulations are performed with the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE) python based library50. 006ab0faaa

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