Our story follows young Jimmy (Tom Byron) who stays holed up in his room all day and night spying through his telescope on the sexual escapades of a pair of stewardesses (Joanna Storm and Laurie Smith) who live nearby. Jimmy lives with his Aunt Diane (Honey Wilder) who becomes increasingly concerned over his isolation and seeming disinterest in everything. Diane hires a private teacher (Kay Parker) to help Jimmy with his studies and hopefully find the root of his problem.

As a teacher, Mr. Ying serves on the cello and chamber music faculty of the Eastman School of Music. He is also co-artistic director and faculty member at the Bowdoin International Music Festival. He is privileged to have shared in the growth and achievements of many students over the years, including those who are now teachers themselves in universities, community schools, and private studios; chamber musicians; orchestral musicians in the New York Philharmonic, Utah Symphony, Arkansas Symphony and others; the solo cellist Alisa Weilerstein; as well as others in artistic administration, and the legal profession. With the Ying Quartet he has also held artist-in-residence positions at Harvard University and Northwestern University.

Private Teacher Caballero 1983

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Adams and Clemmons present new evidence on research and teaching productivity in universities. Their findings are based on a panel that covers 1981-99 and includes 102 top U.S. schools. Faculty size grows at 0.6 percent per year compared with growth of 4.9 percent in the industrial science and engineering workforce. Measured by papers and citations per researcher, productivity grows at 1.4-6.7 percent per year and productivity and its rate of growth are higher in private than public universities. Measured by baccalaureate and graduate degrees per teacher, teaching productivity grows at 0.8-1.1 percent per year and growth is faster in public than private universities. A decomposition analysis shows that growth in research productivity within universities exceeds overall growth. This is because research shares grow more rapidly in universities whose productivity grows less rapidly. Likewise, the research share of public universities increases even though productivity grows less rapidly in public universities. Together, these findings imply that allocative efficiency of U.S. higher education may have declined during the late twentieth century.Regression analysis of individual universities finds that R and D stock, endowment, and post-doctoral students increase research productivity, that the effect of nonfederal R and D stock is less, and that research is subject to decreasing returns. Since the nonfederal R and D share grows and is much higher in public universities, this could account for some of the rising allocative inefficiency. The evidence for decreasing returns in research also suggests limits on scale that restrict the ability of more efficient institutions to expand. Besides all this, the data strongly hint at growing financial pressures on U.S. public universities. be457b7860

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