Short Bio

I am a PhD Candidate in the Postgraduate Program in Computer Science (PGCOMP) at the Federal University of Bahia - UFBA. I received my M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from UFBA, in 2018. I received my Specialist degree in Informatics and Communication in Education at Cândido Mendes College - UCAM (2016). I received my Technology degree in Information Technology Management from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Tocantins - IFTO (2013). I was a professor at the Computer Science, as a temporary teacher at the Federal Institute of Tocantins - IFTO (2014 - 2016).

I have served as a junior program committee member as a reviewer for Mining Software Repositorie (MSR2024)

My general research interests lie in the areas of Software Engineering, Software Product Lines, Software quality, Software evolution, Repository Mining and Human Aspects.


Address: UFBA Campus Ondina, Nilton Santos Ave.,  Salvador - BA  Brazil - ZIP Code 40170-110