
List of Publications:

A)   Peer-reviewed articles

1.     Ivanov, D. (2024). Left authoritarianism and positional shifts of populist parties in Central and Eastern Europe. East European Politics, 1-26.

2.     Ashyrov, G. & Ivanov, D. (2023). Mega-events and human right violations: empirical evidence from the long-term perspective. Scottish Journal of Political Economy 00, 1–22.

3.     Ivanov, D. (2023). Economic Insecurity, Institutional Trust and Populist Voting Across Europe. Comparative Economic Studies 65, 461–482

B)   Book chapters


1.     Kutasi, G., Ivanov, D. (2023). Macroeconomic populism in the Baltic region. In The economic policies of populism in power, Routledge (ed. by István Benczes)


Further publications:

C)   Manuscripts without peer review process:

1.     Ivanov, D. (2023). Socio-Economic Inequality and Populism: A Theoretical Framework of Analysis. Köz-gazdaság-Review of Economic Theory and Policy, 18(1), 81-103.

2.     Ivanov, D. (2022) Economic positions of populist parties across Europe. The return of economic populism in the 21st century? DataPopEU Conference Proceedings: Populism and Euroscepticism in Perspective (p.179-206)

3.     Ivanov, D., & Volikas, P. (2017). The Paradox Of Resilience: European Union A Quintessential Survivor Or A Structure Damaged By 21st Century Populism. European Union At Crossroads Building Resilience In Times Of Change, 26.

4.     Ivanov, D. (2021) Institutional Trust and Economic Insecurity. What can be done in the Eastern parts of the EU? EU Commission Policy Paper Nr.8: FATIGUE project [Internal].


D)   Book Reviews:

1.     Ivanov, D. (2019) The great leveler: violence and the history of inequality from the stone age to the twenty-first century, European Societies (Book Review), doi: 10.1080/14616696.2019.1610786


E)   Open peer-review:

1.     Ivanov D. The views on distributive justice and economic inequality revisited: the political philosophy and the economic perspectives on (in)equality. Open Research Europe 2023, 2:89