Defenders of Peace

After a global Ice-Age that nobody remembers the cause of and magic starting to become regulated the world has been split. Drow, having arose from the Darklands, now inhabit the lands of Catacan threatening the regulation of magic and absence of free-will. Their first target is the Elves of Aquim, possibly the only race powerful enough to stop this threat. Those that oppose power often end up dead or worse, enslaved. Can the heroes cut down the Drow and take the powers from the enemy? In order to do so, they will need to brave the wastelands, cross no man’s land and enter into Catacan undercover. They must forge their own equipment, survive the wilds and become an elite unit. The forces against the heroes are limitless and ruthless, capture will almost certainly lead to death and the Drow are the best at finding out infiltrators and traitors in their ranks.

The ‘Defenders of Peace’ begins in the Elven Woodlands nation of Aquim, where the heroes must first fight back the front line of a village against an onslaught of Lizardlings. From here they must find the motive behind the Lizardlings, meet with an undercover agent in the Drow homelands, push into an overrun Citadel deep underground retaking it from the enemy without any of them escaping to alert the high-powers of the rebellious group. What is causing the Drow to become power hungry? How are they planning to embrace world domination and magic regulation? Why are Elves weakened on the battlefield? The heroes must plot to take down the Drow leaders, after all, what you kill is what you keep amongst Drow kind.

Player Handout

The Magni Zodiac Years:

1. Year of the Fey - Creation

2. Year of the Butterfly - beauty

3. Year of the Owl - knowledge

4. Year of the Flame - Power

5. Year of the Sword - War

6. Year of the Reaper - Death

7. Year of the Nettle - Healing

Current Monthon Demortuan:


Current Year on Demortuan:

718 PJ - Post Judgement (Religious)

718 PC - Past Crystalline (Scientific)

Current Zodiac Year:

Year of the Sword

Pathfinder Calendar