Delta Lake uses versioned Parquet files to store your data in your cloud storage. Apart from the versions, Delta Lake also stores a transaction log to keep track of all the commits made to the table or blob store directory to provide ACID transactions.

Does this file system act like a server - a process keeps running and responds to requests?

[Analogous to Hadoop file system, where the base file system is Unix File System and on top of it, HDFS operates where name node manages the HDFS files and responds to file system requests].

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Delta is a term introduced with Delta Lake, the foundation for storing data and tables in the Databricks lakehouse. Delta Lake was conceived of as a unified data management system for handling transactional real-time and batch big data, by extending Parquet data files with a file-based transaction log for ACID transactions and scalable metadata handling.

Delta table is a way to store data in tables, whereas Delta Live Tables allows you to describe how data flows between these tables declaratively. Delta Live Tables is a declarative framework that manages many delta tables, by creating them and keeping them up to date. In short, Delta tables is a data table architecture while Delta Live Tables is a data pipeline framework.

Delta Lake is the optimized storage layer that provides the foundation for storing data and tables in the Databricks lakehouse. Delta Lake is open source software that extends Parquet data files with a file-based transaction log for ACID transactions and scalable metadata handling. Delta Lake is fully compatible with Apache Spark APIs, and was developed for tight integration with Structured Streaming, allowing you to easily use a single copy of data for both batch and streaming operations and providing incremental processing at scale.

Atomic transactions with Delta Lake provide many options for updating data and metadata. Databricks recommends you avoid interacting directly with data and transaction log files in Delta Lake file directories to avoid corrupting your tables.

Databricks sets many default parameters for Delta Lake that impact the size of data files and number of table versions that are retained in history. Delta Lake uses a combination of metadata parsing and physical data layout to reduce the number of files scanned to fulfill any query.

In the realm of big data processing and analytics, choosing the right file format is crucial for efficient storage, processing, and analysis. Two popular file formats that have gained significant attention are Parquet files and Delta format files. While Parquet is a columnar storage format known for its high compression and query performance, Delta format files provide transactional capabilities and ACID compliance. In this blog, we will compare Parquet files and Delta format files, exploring their use cases, features, and conducting an in-depth analysis of each.

Big Data Processing: Parquet files are ideal for big data processing activities that require massive amounts of data to be handled rapidly and efficiently. Parquet is an excellent solution for data-intensive tasks due to its quick I/O operations and increased query speed.

Data Warehousing: Parquet files are frequently used in data warehouse settings where data must be stored and analysed in columnar format. Parquet files' efficient compression and query speed optimisations allow for quicker data retrieval and analysis.

Data Lake Storage: Parquet files are frequently used in data lake systems to integrate disparate data sources for analysis. Parquet files' columnar storage and schema evolution characteristics make them suited for dealing with a wide range of data kinds and developing data structures.

Delta format files are a type of file storage technology that is used to store modifications to files rather than whole amended files. This reduces the amount of storage space required and the amount of network bandwidth used for file synchronisation.

When a file is edited, rather than storing the entire new revised file, a delta format file stores only the differences between the original file and the new edited version. This delta, or difference data, is usually much smaller in size than storing the entire revised file again. The key idea behind delta format files is that when files are edited, most of the file generally stays the same with only small portions being changed. By only storing the changed bits, significant storage savings can be realised.

The delta is applied to the original file to roll forwards the modifications in order to recreate the altered file. Special delta-applying algorithms compare the original file with the delta data and update the original with just the delta's modifications. Delta compression refers to the method of saving differentials rather than whole files. Delta format files are often used in file synchronisation software and version control systems, where updating whole files on every change would be impractical and costly. For file synchronisation and versioning procedures, the delta technique optimises storage and network resource utilisation.

ACID Compliance: Delta format files comply with ACID standards, assuring data integrity and consistency. Delta format transactions are atomic, which means that either all changes are committed or none are.

Time Travel: Delta format files allow users to travel across time and query data at various periods in time. This capability comes in handy for auditing, troubleshooting, and analysing historical data.

Concurrency Control: Delta format files allow for concurrent read and write operations, allowing numerous users to view and edit data at the same time. This concurrency control assures consistency of data and avoids disputes.

Optimised Query Performance: To boost query performance, Delta format files include optimisations. Data skipping, indexing, and predicate pushdown all help to speed up query execution.

Transactional Workloads: Delta format files are ideal for transactional operations that need data consistency and integrity. Financial systems, e-commerce platforms, and applications requiring rigors data control are examples of use cases.

Data Lake Management: Delta format files are frequently used in data lake scenarios when data is imported from several sources and transactional capabilities are required. For data lake management, delta format files provide a consistent and dependable storage layer.

Real-time Analytics: Delta format files provide real-time analytics by allowing for continuous data changes. As a result, they are well-suited for applications requiring near-real-time insights and analysis.

In conclusion, both Parquet files and Delta format files offer unique features and advantages for data storage and processing. Parquet files excel in efficient storage, query performance, and schema evolution, making them ideal for big data processing and data lake scenarios. On the other hand, Delta format files provide transactional capabilities, ACID compliance, and time travel, making them suitable for transactional workloads, data lake management, and real-time analytics. The choice between Parquet files and Delta format files depends on the specific requirements of the use case, considering factors such as performance, data integrity, and transactional capabilities.

Delta is storing the data as parquet, just has an additional layer over it with advanced features, providing history of events, (transaction log) and more flexibility on changing the content like, update, delete and merge capabilities. This link delta explains quite good how the files organized.

I would use delta, just for the advanced features. It is very handy if there is a scenario where the data is updating over time, not just appending. Specially nice feature that you can read the delta tables as of a given point in time they existed.

This is useful for having consistent training sets (to always have the same training dataset without separating to individual parquet files). In case for the ML models handling delta format as input may could be problematic, as likely only few frameworks will be able to read it in directly, so you will need to convert it during some pre-processing step.

As far as I know, snapshots work via copy-on-write, where you start out with the original image (that's your vdisk) and an empty file (that's the delta file). Every time anything is changed at all, that change is made on the delta disk. The original disk isn't touched, that way if you ever need to revert to a snapshot, the delta file is thrown away and everything is read from the original vdisk.

Over time, this leads to the side effect of the delta file growing massively as things are changed, added, and removed. As I understand it, if you add a 10MB file, the delta file grows by 10MB. Remove that file, and it grows by another 10MB, because there is a 10MB difference. I could be wrong, and it might actually shrink by 10MB, but I don't think so. (Please someone correct me).

It's normal for the delta file to grow. What Matt says is correct about how snapshots work. What's not normal is the snapshot not showing up in the snapshot manager. I suspect that you can't take any new snapshots of that VM either. It sounds like an orphaned snapshot.

This KB might help if the snapshot can be detected. Otherwise the only way I solved this in the past was to manually delete the snapshot files, rewrite the .vmx file and bring the VM up in a crashed state, losing all changes in the snapshot.

Then you need to rename or delete all the [guestname]-######-delta.vmdk, [guestname]-######.vmdk, [guestname]-Snapshot###.vmem.WRITELOCK files.Then edit the vmx file. Look for the line scsi0:0.fileName. It should list one of the snapshot files as the hard disk. Change it to the original vmdk file. When you start the VM it will tell you that it had crashed. You lose the contents of the snapshot but at least you'll have the server back. ff782bc1db

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