3 Questions to Ask When You or Your Loved One Needs Addiction Treatment

Many people currently face hardships and life challenges that seem harder to evade. The COVID-19 pandemic and the failing economy have pushed many individuals into stress, anxiety, and depression. Some have sunk deep into the abyss of drug and substance abuse to find solace.

If your loved one is among the people battling alcoholism or drug abuse, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance. Taking them to Depression Treatment Centers Delray Beach Florida will help to reset and redirect their lives from substance abuse. Here are questions to ask when your loved one needs addiction treatment.

What care does my loved one need?

The level of care a practitioner can administer to the patient depends on factors such as the substances used, the severity of the patient’s disorder, and the length of time used. After a thorough diagnosis, the professional will suggest the following common level of care.

· Acute Treatment Services (ATS) - It involves taking your loved one to an addiction treatment center for withdrawal management (Also known as detox). This procedure doesn’t last more than seven days.

· Crisis Stabilization Services (CSS) and Transition Stabilization Services (TSS) – These treatment levels are short-term in-patient programs.

· Long-Term In-Patient – It is also known as residential treatment. It is the highest level of care. The patient will stay in the facility for a year or more, depending on their condition.

· Outpatient – It is a lower-level treatment that recommends your loved one visit the facility regularly. They will not stay at the facility.

What is your treatment model?

After talking to providers and determining the available levels of care for addiction victims, ask about the treatment model used by the medical practitioners. Ask the experts if they used science-based methods to treat the patients. This question creates the perfect platform to know if your loved one will have better care.

The best Opioid Treatment Programs use research-backed tactics and interventions while considering the unique cases of each patient. They will only recommend medical approaches with a proven record of excellence in dealing with alcoholism and substance abuse. An exemplary addiction treatment center uses updated scientific approaches in combating these issues.

How will you include family members and friends in the treatment process?

Scientific evidence has proven that addiction is a family disease. So, a good treatment process will include the support of loved ones and family members. During treatment, the patient’s loved ones might have to sign a consent form for their involvement.

The support needed by addiction victims during treatment might include phone calls from their loved ones or unstructured on-site visits. The facilities can also arrange family engagement workshops too. These engagements allow families to track the progress of their loved one undergoing treatment.