
Documentation relevant to the project can be viewed here

Requirements: this set of documents outlines what is required of our system

Individual Conceptual Designs: each member of our team has brainstormed different ideas as to what our system will be

Team Conceptual Design: this set of documents shows what our team has come together to produce what works from all of our designs

Specifications: this set of documents outlines how we will be accomplishing the requirements of our system

Preliminary Design: this set of documents is the preliminary design that our team has grown to develop based on the Requirements and Specifications for the design

Test Document: this document outlines the procedures for testing the design for meeting the Requirements and Specifications

Detail Design: this set of documents is the detail design that our team has developed and constructed for testing based on the Requirements and Specifications for the design, as well as the feedback from the Preliminary Design

Gantt Chart: this is a potential timeline of the work that our team needs to accomplish