Embedded Research

An Innovation for Strengthening Health Systems Towards Universal Health Coverage

Friday, 27 April 2018

1. Welcome Remarks

The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research

The United Nations Children's Fund

Gavi- The Vaccine Alliance

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

2. Embedded Implementation Research: Introduction, Rationale and added-value

2. Dr. Nhan Tran AHPSR UNICEF Dissemination Workshop.pdf

3. Enabling the Embedding of Research into Decision-Making Processes In Africa: The Experience of the African Health Initaitve

3. Dr. Lola Adedokun DDCF WHO presentation.pdf

4. Opening Discussion I - Q&A

5. DELIR Participant Presentations

6. The Global Fund approach to implementation research and other types of data-driven learning activities to inform program improvements

6. Dr. Peter Hansen GF approach to IR and similar types of learning activities - 27 April 2018.pdf

7. Embedded implementation research: global lessons learned

8. Rasanathan Embedded IR lessons 27 April 2018.pdf

8. Opening Discussion II - Q&A