4 Common Mistakes done by Websites that can Increase the Bounce Rate

After landing on a website customers get converted through easy and active experiences that they encounter. The major purpose of getting them to the website is conversion and driving the traffic takes in a lot of effort, money and time. Most of the customers browse through the website and leave so, the websites need to have the right tools to get those visitors converted to customers. The common mistakes that digital marketing companies encounter while handling the websites include: Digital Marketing Course

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Puzzled navigation: Customers come to the website looking for something and it should be easy for them to find that thing they want. They come to the website showing interest in the product it has got and if they are unable to find it they would leave. To fix this issue one can start with simplifying the search bar with an easy guide through products and use a mega menu to display the categories. Pay per Click

Stretch the checkout process: Most of the customers who click on the buy button do not end up buying the product. They are interested in the product that is visible otherwise they wouldn't have added the product in the cart but, back out as the checkout process in not streamlined.

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It can be solved by easy checkouts that does not ask much information and works with email address only. Most of the websites have a guest checkout option that works fairly well. Also, many websites do not disclose the additional cost until the last minute. Most of the customers leave after seeing the unexpected costs that are added in the end that mostly includes shipping fees or tax. Put it clearly out there for them to know the charges. SEO Training

Not displaying the calls –to –action: Websites that do not display the call- to –actions lag behind in terms of sell. No matter what page a customer lands they should always be provided with calls-to-action which should be clear and compelling for them to click. Making it clearly visible with a definite positioning on the page and striking to capture the attention would help. Online Marketing

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No signs of trust building: If customers are willing to pay, they should be able to trust the website. Building of confidence and trust can eventually lead to conversion. Some of the ways that can work are the introduction of live chat, featuring the product reviews and showing of trust seals.

All the mentioned mistakes get overlooked by most of the website while taking care of other areas. Digital marketing company in India that one hires to take care of the website should be informed enough to handle all these factors well. These digital marketing services India can really give a website good positioning and popularity among the users with customer friendly experiences that is simple and quick.

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