
1. Fernando Baltazar Larios, F.J. Delgado-Vences and Liliana Peralta: Statistical inference for a stochastic partial differential equation related to an ecological nicheIn Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 25 pages. (2024).

2. Arelly Ornelas, F. J. Delgado-Vences, Enrique Morales, Victor Cruz, Claudia Hernandez, and Emigdio Marín-Enríquez: Modeling the biological growth with a random logistic differential equation. 27 pages. In Environmental and Ecological Statistics. Doi: (2023).

3. Manuel Otilio Nevarez-Martinez , Enrique Morales-Bojórquez , María De Los Angeles Martínez-Zavala, Hector Villalobos, Marlene A. Luquin-Covarrubias, Violeta E. González-Máynez, Juana López-Martínez, J P. Santos-Molina, Arelly Ornelas-Vargas, F.J. Delgado-Vences. An integrated catch-at-age model for analyzing the variability in biomass of Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) from the Gulf of California, Mexico. 38 pags. In Frontiers in Marine Science. Doi: (2023).

4.  Fernando Baltazar Larios, F.J. Delgado-Vences and Saul Diaz-Infante: Maximum likelihood estimation for a stochastic SEIR system and its application to COVID-19. In: International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 29 pages. (2022) DOI : 10.1080/00207160.2022.2148316

5. F. J. Delgado-Vences and Jose Julian Pavon-Español : Statistical inference for a stochastic wave equation with Malliavin-Stein method. In Stochastic Analysis and Applications. 32 pages. (2021). DOI: 10.1080/07362994.2022.2029712

6.  F. J. Delgado-Vences, Fernando Baltazar, Arelly Ornelas, Enrique Morales, Victor Cruz, and Carlos Salomon: Inference for a discretized stochastic logistic differential equation and its application to biological growth. In Journal of Applied Statistics. 24 pages, (2021). DOI: 10.1080/02664763.2021.2024154

7. F.J. Delgado-Vences: A support theorem for stochastic wave equations in Hölder norm with some general noises.  In Stochastics. 23 pages. (2019). Disponible en:

8. Igor Cialenco, F.J. Delgado-Vences, and Hyun-Jung Kim : Statistical inference for stochastic PDEs driven by additive noise. In Stochastic partial differential equations, analysis and computations. 26 pages. (2020). DOI: 10.1007/s40072-019-00164-4.

9. F.J. Delgado-Vences, David Nualart, and Guangqu Zheng : A central limit theorem for the stochastic wave equation with fractional noise. In Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques. 33 pages. (2019).

10. Francisco Delgado-Vences: A spectral-based numerical method for Kolmogorov equations associated with stochastic differential equations. In NEMOH VOLUME: Numerical, Experimental and Theoretical Modeling of Volcanic Processes and Volcanic Hazard. Editors, Paolo Papale et al. (2018).

11. Francisco Delgado-Vences and Marta Sanz-Solé: A support theorem for a stochastic wave equation in dimension 3: the non-stationary case. (2016). Bernoulli 22 (3), 1572-1597.

12. Francisco Delgado-Vences and Franco Flandoli. A spectral-based numerical method for Kolmogorov equations in Hilbert spaces., Infinite Dimension analysis and Quantum Probability. vol. 19, No. 03, 37 pages, (2016).

13. Francisco Delgado-Vences and Marta Sanz-Solé: Approximation of a stochastic wave equation in dimension three, with application to a support theorem in Hölder norm. Bernoulli, Volume 20, Number 4 (2014), 2169-2216.


14. F.J.Delgado-Vences, Arelly Ornelas Vargas, and Saul Diaz-Infante. A stochastic model for mortality rates with memory. 19 pages. (2020). Draft.


15. F. J. Delgado-Vences, Saul Diaz-Infante and Alan Matzumiya : Initial conditions stability of a numerical approximation for Kolmogorov equations in infinite dimensions. 26 pages. (2020).  

16. Fernando Baltazar Larios, F. J. Delgado-Vences and Arelly Ornelas: Parameter estimation and model selection for stochastic differential equations for biological growth. 30 pages, (2022).

17. Fernando Baltazar Larios, F.J. Delgado-Vences, and Adrian Gabriel Salcedo : Simulating diffusion bridges using the Wiener chaos expansion. 21 pages. (2023).

18.  Fernando Baltazar Larios, F.J. Delgado-Vences, Saul Diaz-Infante and Eduardo Lince: Statistical inference for a stochastic generalized logistic differential equation. 25 pages. (2024)

19. F.J. Delgado-Vences: Regularization of some statistical ill-posed inverse problems. 15 pages. (2024)


1. Fernando Baltazar Larios, F.J. Delgado-Vences, and Adrian Gabriel Salcedo: Learning parameters in SDEs using the stochastic gradient  descent. Currently 9 pages.

2. Fernando Baltazar Larios, F.J. Delgado-Vences, Gerardo Hernandez, and Liliana Peralta: Maximum likelihood estimation for a stochastic convection-diffusion equation.