I'm trying to delete the empty series from a chart in Excel 2003 using VBA. I've seen that others have had this issue in the past and I have tried all methods mentioned in their posts but have been unable to find anything that works consistently.

For instance if I simply call: ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Delete, then the series is deleted, but if I then run it with another integer (4, 9, 12) it won't run. It will work again for 1, but only 1. It will also work once with other integers (say 4), but all subsequent calls will fail even if I change the integer to 1 or keep it as 4, or change it to some other number.

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Just thought of another thing. When you delete a series, the indexes of all the remaining series get reduced by one, so you can't delete them by looping from 1 to the number of series. What you can do instead is have a do loop that deletes them until the SeriesCollection.Count = 0 (or 1, see my comments earlier). Or a for loop that iterates backwards and always deletes the last series (i.e. SeriesCollection(SeriesCollection.Count).Delete

You cannot remove all series or the chart will remove itself. what I do to work around this is to rename all exisiting series; then enter your code to build new stuff; then run another snippet to remove the series you renamed

The problem is that there's no quick way to delete a bunch of series from the series editor. The feature I'd love to see in the series editor is the ability to apply a filter and then be able to delete selected series along with a modal that gives you the normal options the prevent re-adding via lists and also deleting the files.

Since this doesn't exist, and maybe others are dealing with this, I thought I'd share my workaround. I go to the regular series view, and apply a filter. For me I want to delete only ended series that have episodes and I have all the episodes. So my filter is:

Once I'm filtering by that, I open the javascript console (cmd+shift+c on a mac) and I use this code to automate clicking through each row & delete it with the option "Prevent series from being added to sonarr by lists" and obviously without the option selected to delete the files selected. I then let it run (you'll see it clicking each item) until it's finished. If you need to stop it, just refresh the page.

And based on the key value tried to delete series from a metric using.

Command: drop series from measurement_name where host=harsha;

Even after performing the below command the series is not being deleted.

Thank you,

You can URL-encode these parameters directly in the request body by using the POST method andContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded header. This is useful when specifying a largeor dynamic number of series selectors that may breach server-side URL character limits.

The data section of the query result consists of- headStats: This provides the following data about the head block of the TSDB: - numSeries: The number of series. - chunkCount: The number of chunks. - minTime: The current minimum timestamp in milliseconds. - maxTime: The current maximum timestamp in milliseconds.- seriesCountByMetricName: This will provide a list of metrics names and their series count.- labelValueCountByLabelName: This will provide a list of the label names and their value count.- memoryInBytesByLabelName This will provide a list of the label names and memory used in bytes. Memory usage is calculated by adding the length of all values for a given label name.- seriesCountByLabelPair This will provide a list of label value pairs and their series count.

DeleteSeries deletes data for a selection of series in a time range. The actual data still exists on disk and is cleaned up in future compactions or can be explicitly cleaned up by hitting the Clean Tombstones endpoint.

I have tried the apple directions but i still can't delete. I don't get the small "x" to delete on my watch, and the "Show App on Apple Watch" function is grayed out on my apple watch app on my iphone.

Delete is a two-episode miniseries about a reporter and a young hacker who uncovers an elusive artificial intelligence/multi-agent system dwelling in his smartphone, which has suddenly become fully autonomous and sentient as it is malevolent.[1]

Written and distributed by Sonar Entertainment of New York City, the series consists of two feature-length episodes. It was shot on location in Vancouver and produced by Vancouver-based Brightlight Pictures.[2]

The latest Thai series on Netflix, Delete, serves a concocted tale of love, deceit, adultery, drama, and mystery in its eight episodes. Revolving around the discovery of a mysterious camera phone that can delete the person that it captures from existence, Delete focuses on the tale of two lovers who resort to extreme measures to keep their affair a secret. Even after plenty of twists and turns throughout the story, this latest Thai Netflix series still manages to leave some unexpected questions in the end.

The honeymoon period of Aim and Lilly's relationship comes to an end when Aim's girlfriend Orn (Chutimon Chuengcharoensukying) grows suspicious of Aim. When she places hidden cameras in the apartment, she finds out about Aim and Lilly's affair. Despite being saddened by the affair, Orn asks Aim to end the affair and also blackmails him by threatening to expose him for the fake story that he created for his novel, which eventually catapulted Aim to popularity. Nevertheless, luck ends up favoring Aim when he gets his hand on a mysterious phone camera that deletes the person it captures from existence. The phone is given to Aim by Lilly, who came to possess the camera when a young girl asked her to take her picture at the supermarket. When Lilly took the picture, the girl ended up vanishing, introducing Lilly to the true power of the camera. Eventually, Orn is removed from the equation by Aim, who uses the phone for his benefit.

With Orn out of the picture, Lilly also finds out that she's pregnant with Aim's child, although she keeps it hidden from Aim for the time being. Fearing that her husband may have found out about her affair with Aim, Lilly tries to delete Too using the camera, but her attempt is spoiled as a result of a surprise birthday party thrown by Too. Later in the night, Too confronts Lilly about her affair, and Lilly admits to being involved with Aim. However, Too shows forgiveness and agrees to accept her moments before Lilly reveals her pregnancy.

Meanwhile, a photograph of Aim kissing Lilly is leaked in the media. The investigation behind Lilly's disappearance progresses as Captain Yutthachai (Nopachai Jayanama), who's also looking into the other recent disappearances including that of the young girl deleted by Lilly at the supermarket, questions Too and Aim about Lilly. While Too refuses to have known about Lilly's affair before the photograph got leaked, Aim informs Yutthachai that he broke up with Lilly as she was afraid of Too's reaction. On being questioned about Orn, Aim repeats that Orn also moved out after finding out about his affair.

Despite the impression that June might have deleted Lilly, June confirms that she did not make Lilly disappear when Tong (Jaonaay Jinjett Wattanasin), a friend of June's who witnessed June deleting a classmate of theirs, confronted June for the act. Placing her trust in him, June hands over the camera to Tong as he convinces June that deleting people is akin to killing them. Tong has himself been suffering after the mysterious disappearance of his sister, Thong.

Nonetheless, June finds herself in trouble when a mysterious man blackmails her with the truth about her classmate's disappearance. She goes to meet the blackmailer along with her friend Tong, but the situation gets out of hand and the man ends up deleting June. Tong is saved when Aim appears at the scene, forcing the man to escape with the camera. When June's classmate reappears after her disappearance, Tong and Aim discover that when a person who has deleted someone else gets deleted, the deleted person returns. Tong's revelation that a hearing aid fell out of the blackmailer's ear during the tussle helps Aim realize that Captain Yutthachai was the man who deleted June.

With Yutthachai's role in Lilly's disappearance becoming clear, the truth reveals itself. It turns out that on the night of Lilly's birthday, she left the house to meet Aim but ended up being intercepted by Yutthachai who kidnapped her. In the captivity of the police officer and his wife, Lilly finds out from Yutthachai's wife (Duangjai Hiransri) that the girl Lilly deleted in the supermarket was their daughter. The parents found out about Araya's use of the camera when patients started disappearing from the hospital Araya's mother worked at. Later, Araya took the blame on herself and left her home. On the same day, she roamed into a nearby supermarket where she met Lilly and asked her to capture her through the camera. When Yutthachai saw the supermarket's CCTV footage, he discovered what happened to his daughter. On finding that Araya's disappearance resulted in the reappearance of all the patients at the hospital, Yutthachai knew that he would have to delete Lilly to bring back Araya. As a result, his search for Lilly resulted in Lilly's kidnapping.

Unfortunately for Yutthachai, Lilly managed to escape by the time he arrived with the camera although he quickly tracks her to the nearest supermarket. Too also sets out to rescue Lilly when she calls him to seek help. However, Yutthachai manages to succeed in his endeavor as he deletes Lilly and brings back his daughter. Knowing that he will have to take care of Too, Yutthachai decides to delete Too, but before he can hunt Too down, the latter reaches Yutthachai's house. In the altercation that follows, Too finds out why Yutthachai kidnapped Lilly and decides to delete Yutthachai using the phone. Yutthachai makes one final attempt to save himself, but his attempts are foiled by Aim who arrives to rescue Too. Finally, Too brings back Lilly by deleting Yutthachai. 17dc91bb1f

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