Reopening Plan

Find the Deer Park School District Remote Learning Plan, Testing Plan and Contact Tracing Plan

You'll also find the Reopening Plan, Board of Education Presentation, as well as the opt in form for full time virtual learning.  Even further down you can find additional school based specifics.  

Reopening Plan for 2021-22

2021-22 Re Opening Plan

Reopening Plan for 2020-21

Testing Plan

Contact Tracing Plan

Scroll down and find the Board of Education Meeting Presentation from July 28th 2020.  

Scroll further down and find the letter and sign up form so that you may be able to opt your child in for full time virtual learning.  

You'll also find additional information from each school and links to the district remote learning, testing and contact tracing plans.  

DP District Reopening Plan 20-21

Please see the communication below regarding our full distance learning plan option. 

If you are interested in enrolling your child in the full distance learning program for the first trimester (elementary) or semester (secondary), please click on the link below and complete the form by Monday, August 10th. *A form needs to be completed for each child you intend to enroll in distance learning. 

Additional Specifics per Building Can Be Found Below

For each school below, click the button and once the slideshow opens, press present in the upper right. 

Digital Equity and Access Plan