Alternative Education at Deering High

Hello and thank you for visiting our site!

Here you will find information about our alternative pathway to high school completion.

Above: Graduates of 2018-19

Below: Boston Trip 2021-22

Alternative Education Pathway (AEP)


Mission: To Provide Meaningful Learning Experiences for Our Students’ Lifelong Success


If you or someone you know might benefit from

more information about our program, visit here.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Alternative Education?

A: Alt Ed is a program designed for students who may be struggling for a variety of reasons in the traditional classroom.

Q: How is Alt Ed alternative?

A: Students have the opportunity to earn integrated credits in a smaller class setting through experiential learning.

Q: How does a student get referred to AEP?

A: A student may self-refer or be referred by a staff member. All students must be approved through Deering's Student Support Services Team (SST).