Deer Creek Middle School PTO

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NEXT PTO MEETING: Join us next year!

Join us virtually through Google Meet! (Agenda/Minutes)

Welcome to the Deer Creek Middle School PTO!

The DCMS PTO would like to welcome you to a new school year. To find out more about upcoming events and how you can get involved, please email us at

Monthly Spirit Nights

While dining at your favorite restaurants on spirit nights, let them know you're supporting Deer Creek, and a portion of the sale will be donated to our school!

Milk Caps for Mooola!

MILK CAPS for MOOOLA is a program sponsored by Longmont Dairy that helps students earn money for their school and students. Longmont Dairy milk caps are worth 5¢ each and are redeemable for cash! Find out more on our Fundraising page.

Volunteers Needed!

The DCMS PTO is able to enhance the DCMS student experience because of the dedicated and enthusiastic service of volunteers. We cannot succeed in our mission without YOUR help! We warmly invite and encourage you to get involved with the PTO in any way you are able! We have many ways you can help – whether you have a lot of time or just a little, whether you like being on the front lines or prefer small tasks from home. We have something for everyone!

Want to find out more? Complete the PTO Interest Form, and we'll be in touch!

There are three ways that you can volunteer with the PTO:

Fill a Vacant Board or Leadership Position

Annually, we look to fill all vacancies on our Executive Board and  Committees. Board positions are year-round positions that are involved in many aspects of running the PTO. Committee Chairperson positions may be year-long or concentrated to one specific event.

To see which Board and Committee Chairperson positions are open for the current school year, visit the Officers and Coordinators page. Descriptions and requirements of positions/committees can be found on the Board and Committee Leadership Descriptions page.

Join a Volunteer Committee

If you aren't able to commit to a Board or Committee Leadership position, but still want to help, consider joining a committee that interests you! We have many committees – some work year-round, some are confined to single events during the year. 

To see a list of committees that are in need of committee members, visit the Officers and Coordinators page. Descriptions and requirements of positions/committees can be found on the Board and Committee Leadership Descriptions page.

Volunteer for a Specific Event

Throughout the year, as committees plan events, there is often a need for additional volunteers to help for that single event. For example, we may need volunteers for a Social or to help donate time or items for a Teacher Appreciation Lunch. 

These volunteer opportunities will be communicated in News and Announcements here on the website, as well as through email Blasts and on social media. You can then sign up for these individual events on our Sign Up Sheets page just for events you are interested in.