Deepit Bhatia

I am a PhD candidate in Biology at The Pennsylvania State University, where I study infectious disease epidemiology in the Ferrari Lab. My research focuses on bridging the gap between theoretical and applied epidemiology to understand how disease elimination can be achieved and maintained, particularly in vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles and foot-and-mouth disease. Prior to my doctoral studies, I earned an MPH in Epidemiology from the University of Toronto and a BSc in Environment, Ecological Determinants of Health from McGill University. I have worked as an epidemiologist at York Region Public Health and the Public Health Agency of Canada, where I managed outbreaks, conducted research, and developed tools to enhance infectious disease surveillance and response. 

My research has been published in journals such as Cell, PloS one, Annals of Internal Medicine, and Journal of Travel Medicine. I have also presented my work at conferences including EPIDEMICS and EEID. In addition to my research, I am actively involved in the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics Graduate Student Organization, where I serve as President. I am also passionate about mentoring and have served as a career and academic mentor to MPH students at the University of Toronto. My other interests include bicycling, hiking, cooking, foraging, plant and fungus identification, and fibre arts.


Get in touch at deepit [dot] bhatia [at] gmail [dot] com