Papers: Call & Submission

The Fourth Workshop on

Reasoning and Learning for Human-Machine Dialogues (DEEP-DIAL 2021)

at AAAI 2021

Web Site:

Submission Site: EasyChair

Accepted papers will be preferentially considered for Frontiers Journal's Open Access Special Issue on Collaborative Assistants for Society.

Paper preparation instructions

Submissions must be formatted in AAAI two-column, camera-ready style (see Regular research papers may be no longer than 7 pages, where page 7 must contain only references, and no other text whatsoever. Short papers, which describe a position on the topic of the workshop or a demonstration/tool, may be no longer than 4 pages, references included.

Electronic submissions to be uploaded at: EasyChair Submission Site

Important Dates

  • Nov 09, 2020 Workshop paper submissions due

  • Nov 30, 2020 Notification to authors

  • Dec 12, 2020 Camera-ready copies of authors’ papers

  • Dec 18, 2020 AAAI-21 Early Registration Deadline

  • Feb 09, 2021 Workshop date