Whilst taking some images of beautiful magnolia trees I noticed the blue sky had a number of bands. Every image had bands in. If I take a sky elsewhere it appears OK. The tree branches look like they have chromatic aberrations. The bands have a sort of pixilation. I am using the 12-100 with my EM1 Mark III. Is this a camera problem?

This is all very strange. When I upload the SD card to Lightroom the bands are clearly present in the blue sky. However, if I import the images the bands disappear. Therefore I am unable to upload any examples for assessment. I am very perplexed.

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The image in the view on camera clearly shows banding in the blue sky - Mark I and Mark III. When imported into Lightroom the banding disappears. Therefore, I unable to provide an example. What I do find odd is changing the setting from just RAW to LSF+RAW will get rid of the problem.

Originally our plans were to photograph this location on the first afternoon in Utah on our 22-day trip in May of 2005. Clouds in front of a cold storm front came in making work impossible for a few days so we drove east to try and get in other locations on our itinerary. After the storm passed we noted skies were looking nicely blue. Thus we again re-evaluated continuing east and decided to go back west to Capitol Reef to get in the important photography along the park's Scenic Drive. That afternoon turned out to have deep blue skies without many of the usual clouds that tend to plague the area for photography during afternoons.

Geology here is at the border of Triassic and Jurassic Periods about 200 to 215 million years ago. At top are cliffs of the Wingate Sandstone Formation and below the eroded bentonite clay slopes of the Chinle Formation. The rainbow clay shades of purple, red, orange, and cyan are a continual wonder for color photographers in Utah. These slope are as good as they get beyond the usual simple red and cyan mix. The clay is an interesting soft crumbly mix of cracked earth that heals itself each time an area receives a good heavy rain. In other words, walking on it will leave some deep footprints. However come back in a couple years and it is quite smooth again. In nearby areas of the Chinle we also found an abundance of petrified wood. Sediments in the Chinle were deposited by rivers that flowed across low-lying basins and became mixed with volcanic ash. The Chinle was also a target of considerable uranium prospecting during the 1950's. The colorful orange cliffs of Wingate Sandstone were likely formed by eolian, that is airborne winds. Along Scenic Drive it forms massive vertical walls for several impenetrable miles. Note the streaks of yellow just right of the center window.

When you've finished with this page, you should be able to discuss the role that upper-level jet streaks can play in outbreaks of deep, moist convection. Namely, you should be able to apply the four-quadrant model of a straight jet streak, as well as a "two-quadrant" model of a cyclonically curved jet streak (identifying areas of convergence and divergence aloft, as well as their potential impacts).

In the spirit of 500-mb shortwave troughs, upper-level jet streaks help to prime the local environment for deep, moist convection. If nothing else, upper-level jet streaks promote high-altitude cooling via upward motion associated with pockets of upper-level divergence. Such cooling aloft increases CAPE by moving the environmental temperature sounding to the left on a skew-T. By the way, "upper-level", in the context of jet streaks, typically means 300 mb during the cold season and 250 mb during the warm season. I'll stick with 300 mb here just to make life simpler.

In the real world, those assumptions aren't realistic. In fact, most upper-level jet streaks are curved. Even the jet streaks that look pretty straight aren't perfectly straight. In contrast to the idealized world of the four-quadrant model, the right-entrance and left-exit regions associated with real-life jet streaks are not sure bets for deep, moist convection.

Personally, I think a somewhat unconventional approach is wise. Let's assume that there's an upper-level jet streak in the vicinity of a region where ingredients in the lower troposphere appear to be coming together for an outbreak of severe thunderstorms. Focusing my attention on the corresponding quadrant of the 300-mb jet streak (above the region of favorable ingredients at low levels), I look for reasons why this specific quadrant might not be favorable for the development of storms. In other words, I automatically assume from the get-go that this quadrant will support deep, moist convection. Then I look for reasons why it might not be favorable. If I can't find any good reasons why it won't be favorable, then I assume that it will help favor deep, moist convection.

Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska were located in the right-exit region of a cyclonically curved 300-mb jet streak (the core of the streak was over New Mexico). It's very likely that some upper-level divergence bled into the right-exit region of the jet streak, further priming the atmosphere for deep, moist convection.

The various shades of blue represent the 300-mb wind speeds in the core of the 300-mb jet streak. The three wind vectors on the left qualitatively depict the horizontal wind shear associated with the jet streak (the length of each vector indicates the corresponding 300-mb wind speed). When two "fans" are placed just to the north and south of the core of the jet streak, the horizontal wind shear essentially causes the fan north of the jet streak's axis to turn counterclockwise (cyclonically). Similarly, the fan south of the jet streak's axis turns clockwise (anticyclonically). If we add earth vorticity back into the mix, we discover that there is a vorticity maximum (vort max) north of the jet streak's core, and a vorticity minimum (vort min) to its south.

Number 5 square is called a "hodograph" and it shows an important piece of information for astronomy. It shows the wind speed in knots, and the numbers represent the height in kilometres. For example we can see that the red line goes from ground to 3km, then the green goes from 3-6km, the violet goes 6-9 and blue goes 9-11km. the air density above this height is much lower, so the wind speed higher above does not pose as much problem as lower down in the more dense air. The rings represent wind speed. So for example, we can see that the 9km mark sits on the 30 circle, which means that the wind speed at 9km altitude is 30 knots. That is a bit more then we would want, but it still allows for medium-zoom planetary and star observing. The lines on the hodograph also show the direction of the wind. Here we can see that on all levels there is wind blowing from the NW, since all the lines are blown towards SE by the NW wind.

This gives an approximate number of magnitude extinction due to different particles in the air above you. This model shows maps at 550nm wavelength. For visual deep sky observing, the most important wavelength is 510nm. To put these numbers from the model into the actual visual extinction, just multiply the number x1,2 to get the actual visual extinction.

So for example, if on the model your location has 0,35 Total AOT, multiply that with x1,2 to get 0,42 magnitude extinction due to aerosols at 510nm wavelength which is eye visual deep sky observing range or maximum eye sensitivity. ff782bc1db

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