
13:30-13:40 Welcome and Introduction

13:40-13:55 Talk 1: Pedro Zuidberg Dos Martires. Differentiation and Weighted Model Integration

13:55-14:10 Talk 2: Robin Manhaeve, Sebastijan Dumancic, Angelika Kimmig, Thomas Demeester and Luc De Raedt. DeepProbLog: Neural Probabilistic Logic Programming

14:10-14:25 Talk 3: Sebastijan Dumancic, Tias Guns, Wannes Meert and Hendrik Blockeel. Auto-encoding Logic Programs: Learning Latent Representations for Reasoning

14:25-14:40 Talk 4: Henry Gouk, Bernhard Pfahringer and Eibe Frank. Stochastic Gradient Trees

14:40-14:45 Spotlight Talk 1: Zahra Ahmadi, Sina Malakouti and Stefan Kramer. Deep Tree Networks: A New Symbolic Deep Architecture

14:45-14:50 Spotlight Talk 2: Michael Rapp, Eneldo Loza Mencía and Johannes Fürnkranz. Simplifying Random Forests: On the Trade-off between Interpretability and Accuracy

14:50-14:55 Spotlight Talk 3: Sophie Burkhardt, Nicolas Wagner, Johannes Fürnkranz and Stefan Kramer. Extracting Rules with Adaptable Complexity from Neural Networks using K-Term DNF Optimization

14:55-15:00 Spotlight Talk 4: Nicolas Wagner, Sophie Burkhardt, Stefan Kramer. A Deep Convolutional DNF Learner

15:00-15:20 Coffee Break / Poster Session Part 1 (all posters)

15:20-15:25 Spotlight Talk 5: John Aoga, Siegfried Nijssen and Pierre Schaus. Modeling Pattern Set Mining as Parameter Learning on Boolean Circuits

15:25-15:30 Spotlight Talk 6: Mark Collier and Hector Urdiales. Scalable Deep Unsupervised Clustering with Concrete GMVAEs

15:30-15:35 Spotlight Talk 7: Cheng Wang and Mathias Niepert. Learning Discrete Automata with Recurrent Neural Networks

15:35-15:40 Spotlight Talk 8: Riad Akrour, Davide Tateo and Jan Peters. Towards Reinforcement Learning of Human Readable Policies

15:40-16:30 Poster Session Part 2 (all posters)

16:30 End of Workshop