Castro Lab

Note: I am always interested in mentoring  motivated and scientifically curious undergraduate and graduate students. If you have interest in my research group, feel free to write me a message. You should explain your motivation to join my group, summarize your qualifications, and attach relevant support material to demonstrate your potential. 

Visiting scholars are welcome to contact me to discuss potential collaborations.

CastroLab Members

Postdoc Joseph Moyalan

Postdoc Clotilde Robert

PhD Shuang Feng

PhD Iman Ebrahimi 

PhD Dilawer Ali

PhD Paulo Monteiro

PhD Berrydal Moshe

MS Chase Williams

MS Andrew Koerber

MS Rodolfo Nunez

Past Students

Visiting MS Lotte Hollander (24), TUE, Netherlands

Visiting MS Diogo Mendes (23), FEUP, Portugal

Visiting PhD Xabier Dorronsoro (22/23), Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Spain

Visiting PhD Sara Furioli (22), POLIMI, Italy

PhD  Antonio Lopes  (2021), University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, Portugal  (Co-supervision, jointly with Rui E. Araujo)

PhD  Claudio Pinto (2017), University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, Portugal (Co-supervision, jointly with  Rui E. Araujo)

PhD  Clemens Satzger (2017), Friedrich–Alexander University Erlangen–Nürnberg, Germany  (Internal DLR mentor)

MS Bruno Goncalves (2021), University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, Portugal  (Co-supervision, jointly with Rui E. Araujo)

MS Bastian Bush (2021), Technical University of Munich, Germany (Internal DLR mentor)

MS Jonas Mirwald (2019), Technical University of Munich, Germany  (Internal DLR mentor)

MS Digvijay Pawar (2014) University of Siegen, Germany  (Internal DLR mentor)

MS Claudio Pinto  (2012) University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, Portugal (Co-supervisor, jointly with Rui E. Araujo)