
Acting, story-telling, video-making and immersing myself in new characters have always been my favourite hobby, but I usually shared it in the closest circle of family and friends. 

In 2021 I got to know the world of improv(isational) theatre, a form of acting in which there is no script but everything is created on the spot by the actors. This activity has drastically changed my way of interacting in everyday life as well. The European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics invited me to write an article about this topic in the Winter Newsletter 2022 which you can read here.

I'm now part of an improv group (Well Played) which focuses on "positive improv", where stories are are not based on conflict but on the exploration of characters and their relationships.

Communication and public speaking are essential assets for researchers to communicate findings effectively and also to encourage team building. Therefore, I am a great promoter of applied improv in the work environment. Also, it is so much fun!


Long-form Improv

Long-form is a style based on a single ask for from the audience. Because it  involves the audience less, long-form relies more on acting skills and  ensemble memory, that can entertain for an entire 45 minutes. To get an idea, you can watch a small scene taken from the long-form of one of our shows. Here I play a call-center receptionist who feels lonely because always rejected by people who are not interested in her offers. Eventually she manages to find a friend who turns out to be a little... special. Everything is improvised, no script is written and what happens is decided on the spot!