Sofia Spampinato

Medical Physicist

(...with a twist!)

I currently work as a Scientific Researcher at the Department of Radiotherapy of Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Previously, I was a post-doctoral researcher at the Danish Centre for Particle Therapy in Aarhus (Denmark) 

My research is focused on data science applied to side effects, quality of life, treatment optimization and oncological rehabilitation after radiotherapy.

I obtained my PhD in 2020 at Aarhus University (Graduate School of Health), advised by Kari Tanderup, Jacob Lindegaard and Lars Fokdal.

During my PhD I visited the S.Raffaele Institute and the Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori in Milano, working with Claudio Fiorino and Tiziana Rancati. Our collaboration is still ongoing, applying the methodologies I developed to prostate cancer cohorts. 

My experience in brief

Certified Medical Physicist (Italy, 2016)

During my residency in Medical Physics I conducted research in  dosimetry, QA, detectors and medical imaging

In 2013 I received a 2-year research fellowship on DNA nano-biososensors

During my PhD and post-doc, I focused predictive models for side effects after cancer treatment and quality of life

Being part of a big international network, I work with different professionals and nationalities.

In the last 6 years I tried to bridge radiation oncology, physics and data science to explore new methodologies in modelling human data.

Thanks to my multifaceted background, I have the opportunity to supervise students at BSc, MSc and PhD level in medicine, physics and data science.