Teacher Toolbox

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Parent Letter

For my student teaching placement at Fairview Middle School, I created an info page and letter to introduce myself to parents before starting my student teaching.



10th Grade Syllabus 

Grade Level: 10

I created this syllabus for a composition theory class and modified it to incorporate reading expectations.  The most important aspect of this syllabus is my portfolio assignment.  Writing can never be perfect: that is why we call the final draft a draft.  Therefore, I want my students to continually improve their writing assignments throughout the year, so they can see their progress from beginning to end.

Pacing Calendar

Pacing Calendar.docx

American Literature 

Grade Level: 11

This calendar is a sample pacing guide I created for an American English course.


Beginning of the Year Survey

Grade Level: Any 

I have used this survey for both my field experience and student teaching.  For both experiences, I asked my cooperating teachers to give the survey early, so I could walk in on the first day knowing something about each student.  After introducing myself, I would go through the roster and mention one or two connections I made with each student based on his or her survey answers.  This activity allowed me to make a personal connection with every student on the first day.


First Day Haiku 

Grade Level: Any 

I used this haiku survey to get to know my students in a creative way.  The haiku activity gives me the opportunity to share my love for poetry and teach a short lesson without focusing too much on instruction on the first day.  Students are able to use symbolism and metaphor to describe themselves, allowing me to see their creative side.  I also choose a few haikus later in the semester to point out examples of poetic elements, and I do a fun unveiling of the author after analyzing the poem.


Foreshadowing Tracker

Foreshadowing Tracker

Grade Level: 7

After reading "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, students tracked the foreshadowing over the course of the story using a bar graph.

Simile and Metaphor Scavenger Hunt

Simile and Metaphor Chart

Grade Level: 7

After reading "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury, students tried to find as many examples of similes and metaphors as possible in the text.  The student with the most correct similes and metaphors received one bonus point.

Anti-Ethos Equivocate Like A Witch

Equivocation Activity

Grade Level: 7

After reading Macbeth, students tried their own hand at equivocating like the three witches.  

Student Example: What can be found in both a grocery store and a math class? (Answer: Pi or Pie)

Graphic Organizers

Story Map

Story Mapping

Grade Level: 5-8

This graphic organizer helps students map important story elements on their own as they read through a story or novel.  Having this organizer will help students with text-dependent analysis and class discussions about the text.

Differentiated Assessment 

Grade Level: 7 

For my seventh-grade English classes, I differentiated a summative assessment for daily grammar based on students' needs.  While all the honors students took the same assessment, the students in the co-taught class had different versions based on their performance during the daily grammar exercises. 

Daily Grammar Check In


Daily Grammar Check In+

Co-Taught 1

Daily Grammar Check In*

Co-Taught 2