The first one is obvious: I need to do sudo apt remove emacs before the install commmand of my own version. But what about the rest? They also come with further dependencies such as libgit2-28 libhttp-parser2.9 libm17n-0 libotf0 m17n-db and even more on a different machine.

To my surprise, I did not find an emacsclient binary in the compiled src directory. To my further surprise, my already installed emacsclient from Xubuntu works with my self-compiled 28.2. Okay, so no need to modify here.

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Next, you have a few choices. If you just want the stable (but fairly old) Emacs 23, you should now be able to simply apt-get install emacs. If you'd rather have bleeding-edge snapshots, you can follow the instructions at for stable:

Unfortunately emacs-snapshot is no longer maintained as of 11 Jan 2014. If you want a newer emacs than that provided by the "official" package=emacs (which IIRC is version=23), try package=emacs24 from testing or sid. I use LMDE UP8 (currently here), so have

I have a user who needs emacs (emacs-x11, preferred) on Debian stable. I found the following which mentions to "packages built directly from Emacs git master here: " - this sounds like what I need, but I am unsure the commands to install it. We have tried flatpak but found that the window as rendered by xming would jump around and flatpak's static library integration prevented use of our in-house software development tools. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

At this point your Emacs daemon is up and you can connect to it using bothterminal clients (emacsclient -t) and GUI clients (emacsclient -c). Youmight also want to create some desktop icon that runs emacsclient -c, insteadof emacs. You might also want to set both EDITOR and VISUAL toemacsclient -t:

I have not tested this, but it also ought to be possible to just point Emacs to the appropriate file. The source is called and is available at You'll want the "Info document" link. Check C-h v Info-default-directory-list to see where the default Info directory is. You ought to be able to either place the file there or add another directory to the Info-additional-directory-list with

2 This should install the Emacs Lisp Reference Manual as to /usr/share/info. Strictly speaking, it seems like dpkg is the only dependency, but I couldn't get Emacs to recognize the new contents in /usr/share/info without install-info. Maybe someone could clarify why, but that's more a Debian question than an Emacs one...

I ran into a problem with an Emacs Lisp function, and I got a patch from the developer. I'm running Debian Linux and the file to be patched does not even exist on my system. (The patch is for tex-mode.el and I have only tex-mode.el.gz and tex-mode.elc.) I would prefer not to stomp all over the Debian distribution code in /usr/share/emacs. Is there a way for me to install the patched tex-mode.el in my home directory so that it takes priority over the version in the system directory?

You can copy tex-mode.el.gz to your home directory (say in .emacs.d) and then gunzip it, apply the patch, and byte compile it. Of course the directory where you put it has to be in your load-path, or you could just add (load "/path/to/new/tex-mode.el") to your .emacs which would ensure you don't get the old version.

You may want to refer to the following packages that are part of the same source:emacs-bin-common, emacs-common, emacs-el, emacs-gtk, emacs-lucid, emacs-nox, emacs-pgtk, emacs21, emacs21-nox, emacs22, emacs22-gtk, emacs22-nox, emacs23, emacs23-lucid, emacs23-nox, emacs24, emacs24-lucid, emacs24-nox, emacs25, emacs25-lucid, emacs25-nox.You might like to refer to the emacs package page, to the Package Tracking System, or to the source package src:emacs's bug page.

Been playing with elfeed on Emacs 26.1 on buster and it keeps crashing. I think for font related reasons. So lets follow the Emacs Wiki Instructions to upgrade to emacs-snapshots and see if that helps.

I'm starting to use emacs more and more as my main editor, but I would like to know how to make it always run in the terminal. I currently launch it as "emacs -nw" because I created a bash alias that runs it like that when I type "emacs".

Another problem is that I can't set it as the default editor in my .bashrc. I use midnight commander for file management, and it looks for the default bash editor when I choose to edit a text file. If I set the default editor as "emacs", even when I have an alias set for emacs to run emacs -nw, the program still launches its GUI mode. Attempting to set "EDITOR emacs -nw" returns an error.

Setting the editor to nano or vim works fine. I was considering just using vim for editing files from mc (usually config files), but I use emacs for things like LaTeX, and the switching of keybindings throws me off. Nano has kind of similar keybindings to emacs, but I'd really like to have the power of emacs (plus I have a few customizations in my .emacs).

The problem is that emacs defaults to its GUI mode and requires options to be run in the cli, unlike VIM which defaults to CLI. It must be a limitation of setting the EDITOR in .bashrc that options cannot be used (unless there's another way I'm not aware of), and even if it works, midnight commander gets confused because it's not a one word command.

Thanks very much. I installed the quark . Very quick and easy. Just needed to remove some duplicate extensions left over from prior installations and make the the suggested additions to the .emacs file ponting to the quark. There was no need to specify the config file.

All the best,


Installing Emacs with tree-sitter support is even easier with Nix, thanks to the efforts of volunteers there. First, pick a variant of emacs that you would like to install, either with pgtk, lucid or without GUI support.

Now you have your very own, customized emacs package inside the "emacsPkg" variable. All you need to do is to put that variable in the list of available packges and apply changes with "switch" command. There is no need for compiling locally either, as the results are cached by Nix in

This package recommends the speech server for the espeak (software)speech synthesizer, so it should work straight away. However it alsocontains the source for speech servers to support the DECtalk Expressand DECtalk MultiVoice (hardware) speech synthesizers. For othersynthesizers, look for speech server packages such as emacspeak-ss andeflite.

The power of Emacs is in the keyboard shortcuts and customization. I'm too early in my journey to have unlocked much of that potential. When you are browsing info on Emacs, you will see shorthand for referring to keyboard combinations, e.g., C-x C-f corresponds to CTRL+X followed by CTRL+F. The other important key is the meta key with M as the shorthand. The default meta key is ALT. Similar to .bashrc, Emacs can be customized through commands saved in the .emacs file [4].

Save .emacs and restart Emacs. Then type M-x followed by package-refresh-contents. If that is successful, you will see the message Package refresh done in the minibuffer. To install Geiser, type M-x and then package-install. In response to the Install package: prompt, type geiser and hit return. You will also need to install geiser-chez following the same package installation steps. Lastly, you need to add (require 'geiser-chez) to the .emacs file.

The info regarding Emacs and Python on the Internet is confusing and it has been a struggle to get even something to work. Pretty much immediately a search would give you the add-on anaconda-mode which you can find here: -emacs/anaconda-mode ff782bc1db

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