Hi All, I am new hear - I have been trying to search for information on this around the place with no luck - I haven't gone far enough to read through every single bit of documentation because that is a massive time investment for something that searches have yet to provide information on and may not be mentioned because it is not possible (right now?).

I have a headless server (most of the time - I can plug a monitor and keyboard into it if I have boot errors), that is running Debian Bullseye with DKE Plasma. I typically remote in from my main windows machine to terminal or to KDE Plasma when I have something I need to do or want to play around with Linux (which I am still very knew to).

I am in the process of upgrading from a 5 disk Raid 6 (5x3TB) setup using mdadm to a setup (most likely using ZFS probably zraid2?) using 6 x 8TB NAS drives. I have the System running off a 250GB SSD

I recently discovered OMV and am really interested in giving it a go, on bullseye I would be running OMV6 and would be installing this on top of the existing Debian system.

I know the recommendations say you shouldn't have a GUI desktop environment running, however I really want to keep KDE Plasma because I use it to play around in Linux from time to time and to do certain tasks that are just easier for me there than in terminal. 

Can I install OMV6 and have it run and be accessible while KDE Plasma is installed? What would be the best way to go about this?

Thanks in advance for your help. System is based on on an old i7 2600K build.

Thanks in advance for your help!

I recently discovered OMV and am really interested in giving it a go, on bullseye I would be running OMV6 and would be installing this on top of the existing Debian system.

I know the recommendations say you shouldn't have a GUI desktop environment running, however I really want to keep KDE Plasma because I use it to play around in Linux from time to time and to do certain tasks that are just easier for me there than in terminal. 

Can I install OMV6 and have it run and be accessible while KDE Plasma is installed? What would be the best way to go about this?

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[update]: This post initially noted 'buster', when it should have been 'bullseye'. I've updated it by changing all instances of 'buster' to be 'bullseye'. Note also that the Debian security repo format has changed since buster!

Starting 2021-02-12, only small, targeted fixes are appropriate forbullseye. We want maintainers to focus on small, targeted fixes. This ismainly at the maintainers discretion, there will be no hard rule that will beenforced.

Packages that are not in testing will not be allowed to migrate to testing.This applies to new packages as well as to packages that were removed fromtesting (either manually or by auto-removals). Packages that are not in bullseyeat the start of the soft freeze will not be in the release.

Please note that packages that are in bullseye at the start of the soft freezecan still be removed if they are buggy. This can happen manually or by theauto-removals. Once packages are removed, they will not be allowed to comeback.

Don't upload changes to unstable that are not targeted for bullseye. Havingchanges in unstable that are not targeted/appropriate for bullseye couldcomplicate fixes for your package and related packages (like dependencies andreverse dependencies).

We only intend to start the Full Freeze shortly before the actual release ofbullseye. The starting date of the Full Freeze will be decided when we startplanning a release date and will be announced at least 14 days before itcomes into effect. During the Full Freeze, all packages can only migrate totesting after manual review by the release team. For key packages and packageswithout autopkgtests, the rules stay the same. From the start of the fullfreeze, those rules will also apply to other packages.

We very strongly prefer changes that can be done via unstable instead oftesting-proposed-updates. If there are unrelated changes in unstable, we askyou to revert these changes instead of making an upload totesting-proposed-updates. Hence, and also because it may impact other packagesin unstable that try to migrate to bullseye, it is recommended that, during thefreeze, you do not upload to unstable any changes for which you do not intendto request an unblock.

If you are unable to bring your fix through unstable, for example because yourpackage in unstable is dependent on a version of another package that isn'tavailable in bullseye and that is not being unblocked, the release team cangrant you permission to use the testing-proposed-updates mechanism. Make sureyou fix the issue in unstable following the rules outlined above and prepare ano-change upload targeting testing-proposed-updates but do not upload it,and then contact us through an unblock bug. testing-proposed-updates is notmeant to prevent "ugly" version numbers for packages that already have a newerupstream version in unstable. You're requested to revert the upstream versioninstead, e.g. by using a new-version+reallyold-version versioning scheme.

I've just reinstalled my system (Debian testing, bullseye). But I found a problem that I've never met before. Three log files in /var/log keep growing fast: /var/log/messages, /var/log/user.log and /var/log/syslog. The content in these 3 files are almost exactly the same. They seems produced by my proxy tool Shadowsocks.AppImage (The Shadowsocks.desktop works well, I don't know why it says "TCP connection timeout"):

Even an upgraded version exists in the Microsoft Store and we already have a prior version installed, the upgraded version will not upgrade the installed one, but only appear the open option on the button. Strangely, the installed version will show the same version, e.g. Debian version 1.14.00 but actually is the VERSION="9 (Stretch)". The solution is uninstall from the Installed applications first and then reinstall from the Microsoft Store. After doing this we will have the same version Debian version 1.14.00, but with the VERSION="11 (bullseye)". It seems that Microsoft Store doesn't properly upgrade to the VERSION_CODENAME, but only the information of the latest project version without upgrade it, unfortunately.

was just going to upgrade my system from Buster to Bullseye when I noticed I was using the apt.mopidy.com repo. Is there an intention to provide a bullseye dist section for this? Or should I look at maintaining manually in future?

Did somebody do something to server configuration this morning? I upgraded to bullseye a couple days ago. Without updating any of adsb software, everything was working fine. But this morning both dump1090-fa and dump978-fa quit working

(1) Pi #1 with Piaware SD card image Buster on RPi model 4.

I upgraded it to Bullseye by adding bullseye repo to file /etc/apt/sources.list and then sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get full-upgrade . It is 2 days now and is working ok. You can check it here:


Do you want to celebrate the release?We provide some bullseye artwork that youcan share or use as base for your own creations. Follow the conversation about bullseye in social media via the #ReleasingDebianBullseyeand #Debian11Bullseye hashtags or join an in-person or online Release Party!

Just like two years ago, I have created backport packages for Python for the current Debian stable distribution. My previous backport was a huge success with thousands of downloads and was also used in some other projects beside Home Assistant. This time I have backported Python 3.10 for Debian 11 bullseye.

There is no wheel of the bcrypt dependency available for armhf in PyPI (there is for amd64 (x86_64) and arm64 (aarch64)), so we must build this package ourselves. Home Assistant 2023.2.0 bumped the bcrypt dependency to version 4.0.1. However this version requires rustc >= 1.56 which is also not available in Debian bullseye.

Then open the /etc/apt/sources.list file with your text editor and replace each instance of stretch with buster and buster/updates to bullseye-security. If you have other source-list files under /etc/apt/sources.list.d, you must update those sources too.

Unfortunately there is no direct mapping /etc/debian_version as mentioned in Jacob's answer gives a rough idea but it only really reflects one package and said package is a package that is locally modified in Ubuntu so won't be automatically pulled in from Debian.

According to -libc6-version-in-debian-squeeze-can-i-go-back Debian squeeze had libc6 2.11 . According to ://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libc6 ubuntu 10.04 lucid also had libc6 2.11 . So the packages for 10.4 lucid are IMO the most likely to work on Squeeze.

By default Debian will install the version published in Debian (stable). However you also have the option to install a newer version using backports.For example, at the time of this writing, bullseye (stable) ships with v.1.34.x and bullseye-backports with v.1.36.x.

If instead you prefer to install the newer version using backports, run the following commands.The first line will add bullseye-backports repository.The backports repository is deactivated by default, so with the second line we explicitly state we want the backported version of zoneminder. 006ab0faaa

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