Scientific activity
Journal publications
Computational microscopy. 2020. PDF.
Kishore, V., Debarnot, V., Righetto, R. D., Khorashadizadeh, A., Dokmanić, I.End-to-end localized deep learning for Cryo-ET, pdf
Khorashadizadeh, A., Debarnot, V., Liu, & Dokmanić, I. GLIMPSE: Generalized Local Imaging with MLPs, pdf.
Accepted publications:
Debarnot, V., Kishore, V., Righetto, R. D., Dokmanić, I. ICE-TIDE: Implicit Cryo-ET Imaging and Deformation Estimation, IEEE TCI, pdf
Debarnot, V., Weiss, P. Deep-Blur : Blind Identification and Deblurring with Convolutional Neural Networks, Biological Imaging, pdf.
Gupta, S., Kothari, K., Debarnot, V., Ivan Dokmanić, I. Differentiable Uncalibrated Imaging, IEEE TCI, pdf.
Kratsios, A., Debarnot, V., Dokmanić, I. Small Transformers Compute Universal Metric Embeddings, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), pdf.
Khorashadizadeh, A., Chaman, A., Debarnot, V., Dokmanić, I. FunkNN: Neural Interpolation for Functional Generation, ICLR, pdf.
Debarnot, V., Weiss, P. Blind inverse problems with isolated spikes, Information & Inference, pdf.
Mangeat T., et al., Super-resolved live-cell imaging using random illumination microscopy. Cell Reports Methods, pdf.
Debarnot, V., Escande, P., Mangeat, T., Weiss, P. Learning low-dimensional models of microscopes, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, pdf.
Debarnot, V., Escande, P., Weiss, P. A scalable estimator of sets of integral operators. Inverse Problems, pdf.
Debarnot, V., Kahn, J., & Weiss, P. Multiview Attenuation Estimation and Correction. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 1-18, pdf, code.
Debarnot, V., Fehrenbach, J., de Gournay, F., & Martire, L. The Case of Neumann, Robin, and Periodic Lateral Conditions for the Semi-infinite Generalized Graetz Problem and Applications. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 78(4), 2227-2251, pdf.
Significant publications in conferenes:
Debarnot, V., Gupta, S., Kothari, K., Ivan Dokmanić, I. (2023). Joint Cryo-ET Alignment and Reconstruction with Neural Deformation Fields. ICASSP 2023, pdf.
Debarnot, V., Kishore, V., Shi, C., Dokmanić, I., Manifold Rewiring for Unlabeled Imaging, APSIPA 2022, pdf.
ISBI 2021, DeepBlur: Blind Identification of Space Variant PSF.
Debarnot, V., Escande, P., Mangeat, T., Weiss, P., Modelling a Microscope as Low Dimensional Subspace of Operators, EUSIPCO 2020, pdf.
ISBI, 2019, Venice. Segmentation: a data driven approach through neural network. With Léo Lebrat. PDF.
Optica Imaging Congress 2024, ICE-TIDE: Implicit Cryo-ET Imaging and Deformation Estimation.
ISBI 2024, Deep learning in cryo-ET: from image alignment to biological insights.
Applied Inverse Problems (AIP) 2023, Joint Cryo-ET Alignment and Reconstruction with Neural Deformation Fields, pdf.
International Symposium on Computational Sensing 2023, Implicit Reconstructions from Deformed Projections for CryoET, PDF.
Curves and Surfaces 2022, Manifold rewiring for unlabeled imaging in large noise, PDF.
SIAM IS 2022, mini-symposium about “Blind Inverse Problems.
Neural networks for inverse problems in satellite imagery 2021, DeepBlur: blind identification of space variant PSF, video.
DeepBioHealth seminar, 2021, DeepBlur: résolution de problèmes inverses aveugles avec identification d'une PSF spatialement variante.
QBI, 2020, Oxford: High density 3D localization of fluorescent molecules. With Thomas Mangeat & Pierre Weiss. PDF.
SPARS, 2019, Toulouse: A scalable estimator of sets of integral operators. With Paul Escande, Thomas Mangeat & Pierre Weiss. PDF.
OSA, 2019, Munich. Blind-Deblurring: Learning Based Approach. With Paul Escande, Thomas Mangeat & Pierre Weiss. PDF.
QBI, 2019, Rennes. Calibrating a microscope by learning its diversity. With Paul Escande, Thomas Mangeat & Pierre Weiss. PDF.
ITWIST', 2018, Marseille. A scalable estimator of sets of integral operators. With Paul Escande, Thomas Mangeat & Pierre Weiss. PDF.
OSA, 2018. Learning and Exploiting Physics of Degradations. With Paul Escande, Mauro Maggioni, Thomas Mangeat & Pierre Weiss. PDF.
Spars, 2017, Lisbon: Multiview Attenuation Computation and Correction. With Jonas Kahn & Pierre Weiss. PDF.
GdR MOA et MIA, Bordeaux, 2017. Multiview Attenuation Estimation and Correction. With Jonas Kahn & Pierre Weiss. PDF.
Oral presentation:
MIFOBIO, 2023, Giens, Obtenir la PSF d’un système de microscopie de fluorescence.
AIP, 2023: Joint Cryo-ET Alignment and Reconstruction with Neural Deformation Fields.
International Symposium on Computational Sensing, 2023: Implicit Reconstructions from Deformed Projections for CryoET.
ICASSP, 2023: Joint Cryo-ET Alignment and Reconstruction with Neural Deformation Fields.
Mathematical Models for Plug-and-play Image Restoration, 2023: Deep-Blur: Blind Identification and Deblurring with Convolutional Neural Networks.
APSIPA, IEEE, 2022: Manifold Rewiring for Unlabeled Imaging.
Curves and Surfaces 2022: Manifold rewiring for unlabeled imaging in large noise.
SIAM IS2022, mini-symposium about “Blind Inverse Problems": DeepBlur: blind identification of space variant PSF.
Neural networks for inverse problems in satellite imagery 2021: DeepBlur: blind identification of space variant PSF.
DeepBioHealth seminar, 2021: DeepBlur: résolution de problèmes inverses aveugles avec identification d'une PSF spatialement variante.
ISBI, Nice, 2021: DeepBlur: blind identification of space variant PSF.
LBCMCP, Toulouse, October 2019.
OSA, Munich, June 2019, Munich: Blind-Deblurring: Learning Based Approach, abstract.
Demystifying machine learning for microscopists, March 2019. Flyer.
ITWIST' 2018, November 2018: abstract.
INSA, Toulouse, October 2018.
LBCMCP, Toulouse, October 2018.
GdR MOA et MIA, Bordeaux, 2017: link to the presentation.