Quick Quiz

There are no wrong answers here (Yes there are).

Just answer honestly and perhaps your responses will qualify you to join our Sapient Sequestered Sect.

Discord DM or Email me your letter selections and feel free to explain / elaborate. (ie. 1-A 2-B 3-C...etc.)

OMG, Look! It's a cute little bunny...

Do you:

A. Pop that sucker with a wooden club and roast him over an open fire. (tastes like chicken)

B. Shoo him off the road. He might get run over or a zombie might see him!

C. Ignore it. Not enough meat to squelch the persistent growls from your bowels.

D. Wish it were a chicken because chicken = feathers = arrows = DEER MEAT !!

OMG, Look! It's an unconscious zombie stripper...

Do you:

A. Cover her with a Puffer coat! She's indecent!

B. Shiv her for fat, though this one apparently missed many meals.

C. Ignore her. Women, even undead ones, are nothing but trouble.

D. Look around to see if anyone alive is watching. She is... 'Dead' after all. No harm, no foul.

OMG, Look! It's an abandoned base...

Do you:

A. Investigate and look for signs of life and activity.

B. Take over the base. Finders keepers...

C. Tear that sucker down. Daddy needs wood !

D. Move along... move along. Nothing to see here and daylight is burning...

All done? Great!

Discord DM (see home page for link) or email me your responses at kptnkurt@gmail.com and give me a look into that sick, sick mind of yours.