One possible problem might be that the low resolution mesh in mudbox (which you use during the extraction) might be different than the low resolution mesh in maya (which you apply the map to). When you apply any sculpting to a higher subdivision level, mudbox will not only change that level, but it will also change lower levels as well. Did you bring the modified low resolution mesh back to maya? I would recommend you to have the low resolution mesh in mudbox in two instances. Subdivide one of them, apply the high frequency sculpting to that one, while leave the other one intact. When you extract the normal map, use the untouched low resolution mesh as the target instead of the base level of the sculpted one.

I Cannot figure out how to design a model without problems when I import it into mudbox. Everything I make has issues, So I took a simple cube and added subdivisions of 3, I then took all the edges along the center of one side of the cube and then pulled them upward with the move tool so It created a v on top of the cube. I export this and import it into mudbox and It says uv faces crossing tile boundries. Something so simple creats errors. Its like If you blink at the ****ing model it has issues with the mesh. I do not understand why its so **** diffucult to figure out what NOT to do to get these errors. Ive read days worth of crap trying to figure out how to creat a **** simple model that wont have issues in mudbox when I import it and no matter how simple I start with it gets errors with the mesh when it imports to mudbox. I will literally make one chage to my friggen model at a time and export it to mudbox just to see if the change in maya will cause mesh issues in mudbox and its like I cannot creat any part of a model of anything without the mesh being filled with errors in mudbox. Im at a wall right now, I litterally have no clue how to fix this crap.

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Im creating this for a game. I want to know if I can ignore the problems mudbox is giving me. I am going to creat a uv map in maya ltand I wanted to paint that in mudbox. I took the entire deck of the boat off where mudbox said the problems were but it just kept generating more geometry problems in mudbox as I would erase the areas it said were problematic.

Can I ignore the geometry errors that mudbox is throwing at me if the uv map works out fine? Will I run into any problems in my game if the geometry is not perfect? can You see any problems with this boats geometry effecting the game? this boat will be controleld with a script in my game as the main character.

the second file which I exported to .fbx crashes mudbox every time I load it and then try to rotate the model. The .fbx file is the boat with the entire deck removed and its still got a ton of geometry problems mudbox says.

I appriciate all the help. One thing Im not sure how you fixed is all the errors that mudbox was giving me. I went into maya and hit the clean up tool and I selected everything and hit apply and I thought that would fix the problems mudbox was giving me but it didn't fix any errors when I did it. also, I tried as you said and selecting things one at a time in teh clean up tool and hitting apply, but nothing would highlite on my model, making it seem as tho everything is ok, however when I export that model to mudbox I get non-manifold t-shape, non manifold vertex splice, too many sides in face, degenerate face and incomplete uv set. It seems as if nothing is happening with the cleanup tool. This was making it difficult for me to address the geometry errors in maya before I exported to mudbox. Is there something that Im not doing that is not highliting the errors in the cleanup tool?

Hi robinball

Ā Thanks for your info. Well bit late to learn mudbox isn't a stand along software. I don't recall reading any paper work or anything on the web that informed me of this. I gess they wouldn' hamper a sale of soft ware by saying this has to be bought with this. Or is it just that I didn't do my homework well enough .

Ā I had looked at setting up some graphic software to do all the model pieces as well, but expected i would have to spend 4 to 5 thousand to get good software that I have seen , Mudbox was impressive , a good lot cheaper and I thought it could give one an edge to create figures in 3D and have them 3D printed efficently and then cast. the other thing is learning how to use it ??? I gess now, that even that would of had its own set of set up and file problems too.Ā 

Ā Thanks for the tip on the Blender download might look in to this. be457b7860

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