
Participants profile

Age: 18 - 30 y.o.Experience: previous experience in international activities, non-formal education, Erasmus+ Programme is not requiredLanguage: a certain level of English is not requiredWillingness to disseminate the know-how through local workshops.*Each national group should include 4 young people + 1 group leader (no age restriction)

Application form

Participant form to be filled by June 1st. After the selection of the participants, if you receive a positive answer from your sending organization, please don't book the tickets for flights/train/bus (economy class) until a later agreed date, when we can confirm you the fact that the national regulations allow us to organize the mobility without prior quarantine (as it is now).


1) You can bring typical food and drinks from your countries!We will have traditional evenings during the project and basically every evening will belong to a different country. Unfortunately, we don’t have budget to reimburse you the expenses made for the things that you are bringing, but try to be creative and funny! You can bring typical costumes, ornaments, leaflets, posters, flyers, food, sweets, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks… and so on! There may be the possibility to cook something using the kitchen of the establishment.
2) Spread the CultureFor activities, you can bring with you: traditional games from your country or region, photos, cultural objects from your region/town. Beside, please bring cameras, if you have, to create videos and take photos or and laptops with editing software for photos, brochures and videos. You can show videos, photos, sing and dance traditional dances from your countries! We are counting on you to make these evenings as interesting as possible and promise to help you in any way that we can!
3) Mind the weatherConsidering that most of the activities will be held outdoors on the sand and the temperatures in July will be arount 30 Celsius degrees, please make sure you will bring suitable clothes, hats, comfortable shoes and sun cream factor +50.