
A rainy field trip to the Ein Gedi Oasis region, November 2018 (photographs: Yael Rotem)

A field trip to the desert highland sites, December 2018 (photographs: Yael Rotem)

A geological field trip with CSMS Prof. Revital Bookman (photographs: Ignacio Lazagabaster)

Cave tour in the Qina region, February 2019 (photographs by Mika Ullman)

Nahal Rahaf rock shelter excavation, March 2019: LGM faunas (photographs by Meirav Meiri)

Ein Gedi Terrace excavations, April 2019: Dating buildings in the oasis to understand better its settlement history (photos: Mika Ullman)

Ein Gedi Terrace excavations, December 2019: Dating buildings in the oasis to understand better its settlement history (photos: Nimrod marom)

Dating leopard traps with osl (photos: Nimrod marom)

Sortie to hever and mishmar caves, may 2020 (photos: roi porat/micka ullman)