yeah, i have no idea why at bare minimum there isn't a slider for the chase music yet, it seems silly. if they're not going to tone it down themselves they should let us do it for them. i wonder if it's similar to the fov slider and that they "think it will give an advantage". shrug.

But we can rule out freddy cause license holders prob wont allow it i hope we get chase music for all killers soon. But my guess so far huntress hag and plague might be next to get there own chase music (huntress is prob gonna be tribal or hunting a wild animal for fun, plague prob gonna be very sickly)

Dead By Daylight Chase Music Download

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The music is the same as phase 35 which is The Trollge The Distorted Face Incident. The real origin of the music is Dead By Daylight chase music with a low pitched text to speech voice saying "Step 22" 17dc91bb1f

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