
Ms. Thomson

Attention rising 6th graders and new students!

Please check out the "What is FACS?" page to view slides, a student created video, and a few student testimonials! I hope these will help you understand more about FACS, and encourage you to join us in class!


I don't have anything pressing or crazy for you as far as announcements right now, but please feel free to hop over to the "First Day Stuff" link for a few helpful items as we kick off the school year! I will say that I'm in the process of updating our website at this time, so if something seems a little questionable or out of date, you are more than welcome to email me at rthomson@wcpss.net for clarification. See you soon!

2022-2023 Students - Welcome!

What should I check regularly?

  • Canvas is where you will find class information and assignments. Parents, I am still learning how to get you set up as a "Canvas Observer" so you, too, can stay up to date. More on that as I figure it out - this is a new learning platform for me this year!

  • PowerSchools is where you'll be able to determine if you have missing assignments/your grades.

  • Talking Points: Parents/guardians, it is imperative that you download the TalkingPoints app to receive general updates and student-specific messages, as well as real-time text messaging communication in your preferred language.

What's Due?

Again, please use your Canvas and PowerSchools to stay on top of missing work and due dates. It is your responsibility to check PowerSchools frequently. Still have questions? You can always email me (rthomson@wcpss.net). I am usually able to respond quite quickly! Parents, please remember that you should be regularly checking PowerSchools via the Parent Portal. You have the tools you need to know grades - please use them!