Relesed in 2004 for the PlayStation 2 and PC, Densha de GO! Final was set to be the last installment in the franchise. It covers the following lines with data from 2003:

  • Yamanote Line (Complete)

  • Chuo Line (Rapid)

  • Osaka Loop Line (Complete)

  • Tokaido Main Line (Partial, JR Kyoto and Kobe)

Final was ported to the PlayStation Portable as four installments for each line, under the name Densha de GO! Pocket. See more here.

Final is popular amongst fans, however features a different style of gameplay when compared to the original and Professional counterparts, with a strong emphasis on combo chaining.

Additionally, it was the second Densha de GO! game to recieve an English Translation patch! (By us!)

English Translation Patch

Fully Translated into English!

Densha de GO! Final is translated into English for the first time ever! Every element of the game has been covered. It's now easier than ever to play DDG Final!

Be the driver, or Conductor!

Enjoy traditional DDG gameplay, or try the Conductor mode, where you are responsible for announcements and doors.

Also supports two players: one driver and one conductor!

Learn the ways of the Rail!

In-game tutorials are now fully translated into English! Tetsu-chan will teach you how to operate the train, how the game's scoring system and penalty systems work, and much more! A great introduction for series newcomers.

Version 1.0 - Released 24th December, 2022

Requires a copy of Densha de GO! Final for PC. Patch tested on Windows 11.
Does not support PS2 or PSP emulators. Visit the Discord for more information.

Translation Patch Credits

Presented by DDGCrew:

With assistance from:
cyanic - Reverse engineering and tools.
John Matthews - Tutorial Translations and Proofreading
Hunter Bridges - DDGModernizer

Testing assitance from:
John Matthews
The Yamanote

Install Instructions

  1. Download and Run the patch installer.

  2. When prompted, point it at your Densha de GO! Final install folder. (By default, this is usually C:\Program Files(x86)\TAITO\perfect)

  3. Click through the installer. It will back up the affected cddata files and install the patched ones.

  4. When the installer is finished, run the game and enjoy!

Note: Some users have reported issues with the installer not having relevant permissions to write to the C:/ folders. If you are experiencing this, we recommend moving your install outside of the Program Files into a folder that isn't protected by Windows.

Additional Steps:

We've included DDG Modernizer 1.0.2 with the permission of its author, Hunter Bridges. This tool is useful for fixing the aspect ratio on widescreen resolutions, as well as increasing the draw distance. If you wish to play with these enhancements, you must run the game through the Modernizer first. These changes are not persistant, so run the Modernizer each time you want to play. It will not affect the translation patch and your game save and settings will be present.

For more information, read the DDG Modernizer page.

Unlocking the Frame Rate:

To run the game at 60FPS, you have to make changes to the game's registry entries.

Please be careful when using the Registry Editor. DDGCrew are not responsible for any damage you do to your computer's registry.

  1. Open the Registry Editor.

  2. Navigate to the game's registry entry. (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TAITO\電車でGO! FINAL)

  3. Locate the key titled "frameskip" and double click it.

  4. Change the value from "1" to "0" and close the Registry Editor.

  5. Launch the game and enjoy!

If you want to confirm that the game is indeed running at 60 FPS, you can change the key titled "showframe" from "0" to "1" and the game will display its internal FPS counter.

Release Notes

Version 1.0 - Released 24/12/2022

  • All menu elements translated.

  • All HUD elements translated, including but not limited to:

    • Speedometer and mascon info

    • Station info (name of upcoming station, and instructions eg: pass the station or stop at it.)

    • Navigation icons (Speed limit changes, warnings, checkpoints, etc.)

    • Checkpoint headers (What type of checkpoint is it, and how are you performing?)

  • All tutorial text translated.

  • All Conductor Mode graphics translated.

    • This makes Conductor Mode fully playable in English! The only barrier is your knowledge of the rail lines in the game.

    • Perfect for memorising the Yamanote Line, circa 2003!

  • External config tool translated.

    • All graphics in the launcher showing the different control schemes have been translated.

Known Issues:

  • Translation missing in the game's window, the config tool's window, and the Advanced Graphic Settings of the config tool.

    • These strings were translated with our tools, but are not being reflected for some reason. We are investigating, but it's not a deal breaker.

  • Minor formatting issues in Tutorial text.

    • Requires a polish pass, but all the content is present and in English.

    • Missing some things such as Keyword coloring based on the original script.

    • Some strings could benefit from being moved around a little.

  • Some images missing from Credits sequence

    • These are related to staff member's names who worked on the original game.

    • This will be updated in a future update.


  • Polish Update (1.1) (ETA: 2023)

    • Polish pass on tutorial strings to tidy up formatting and add more keyword highlighting similar to the Japanese script.

    • Bug fixes from known issues and community reports.

  • Plug & Play Update (1.2) (No ETA)

    • Add support for the Plug & Play system.

    • In theory, this should be possible as the Plug & Play version shares a very similar file structure to the PC game.

    • However, the current tools we have aren't capable of converting the images into a format readable by the Aqualead framework the game is based on. Current attempts have lead to crash on boot of the Plug & Play console.

    • If you think you are able to assist with the work already put in place by libdgf, please let us know in the DDG Final translation patch Discord channel.

    • This update is heavily reliant on us having the tools to inject into Aqualead. Without them, the patch cannot be ported to the Plug and Play.