I was playing DCUO for a long time , since 2015 to 2020 , but I stopped for personal reasons? Now I have Fiber connection and I want to download the game again on another pc because my previous pc gone to the trash , I tried via steam , it did download normally but when i got to the launcher it said that there is another 14G to download , but it was unbearably slow, So I uninstalled the game from steam and downloaded the launcher from the official website , now it says the game is 32G , that's fine but the download speed is also extremely slow, is there like an offline installer or something to be able to install the game ?

Gone are the slow-paced battles of World of Warcraft, with DC Universe Online letting players mix up light and heavy attacks into combos like a beat-em-up, as well as letting players unleash a myriad of superpowered abilities mid-combo.

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It is an intended function, mostly for PvP reasons, that you are slowed after you cast a power, use your weapon, or are hit. After a few seconds, if nothing else slows you, you'll regain your full speed.

Taking a big chunk of time off from playing DCUO (what's a 3-4 year break anyway?) got me a fair bit behind the rest of Team Spode, and especially when it comes to leveling trinkets and skill points. The only way to level trinkets is to power them up with something called Nth Metal. The first 80 levels of a trinket kind of sail by, but when your trinket gets above level 120, things slow waaaaaaay down, and it's easy to tell that this is one of DCUO's major monetization legs for the game.

Manipulate time, control gravity and twist the very fabric of time and space itself! Characters using Quantum powers can slow down opponents, change their density, or even teleport behind them altering time, manipulating gravity, and folding space. Access to Quantum powers is included in the Origin Crisis DLC. Quantum powers have two distinct specializations: Time and Space.

"How do I feel...well, sometimes it feels like the entire world's going in slow motion, or someone's found a 'fast forward' button on me, and at the same time, there's this giant bomb ticking inside of me.

In addition, he can slow down time around him, and keep himself moving at normal time. Using this power essentially allows him to travel at superhuman speeds, rivaling even those of the Flash. How fast he can go depends on how much he slows down time around him. The fastest he has traveled is 2.46 million m/s (550,286 mph - close to 1/1000 the speed of light). He could travel faster, but slowing down time too much will put a strain on his body, so he tends to limit himself.

Chronokinesis: Cole has the power to slow down , accelerate or freeze time to a great degree, like the time he fought a wrathful demon and slowed it down to the point it stopped moving completely and can bend space-time and restore power to others that are fatigued and can make a time loop to make one event different and does it over and over again until he wants it to stop.

As a long-ranged and somewhat slow weapon, the bow hasn't been a popular

choice for players. It looks very cool and can be super fun to play with

but complaints of low damage potential has this weapon passed over quite a bit. 

If you love the bow though, there are plenty of players who make it work just

fine and swear by its usefulness, particularly in PvP.

Not too fast and not too slow, martial arts is a solid middle of the road

weapon skill choice. It's melee-based damage manages to do impressive

damage without feeling like you are spamming combos with mad fast mouse clicks. 

For powersets who rely on melee combat, such as Ice or Fire, this is the perfect

choice to maximize damage.

The Staff has some of the coolest weapon animations in game. It does

devastating damage with a style that none of the other weapons can match. 

The Staff tends to hit in slow and moderate bursts of damage and it has some

stuns that can come in handy. This weapon skill does quite well for melee

players or even ranged players who like to jump in and knock off a few big hits

every now and again.

As a slow and powerful melee weapon, the Two Handed skill gets some flack for

being one of those that can be avoided just a little too easily. Its weapon

damage comes in slow, big bursts and can be predictable in PvP gameplay but it

is still very useful in PvE for those who like to alternate between swinging a

weapon and slapping down powerset damage. It's a great choice for a

soloing healer.

Dimensional Ink also posted an infographic over on the DC Universe Online website with ten years' worth of stats. This includes over 27 million unique players, 69 million characters created, and 702 million hours played. The studio doesn't plan to slow down, either. The DCUO team is currently hard at work on the game's native PlayStation 5 client, which is set to launch later this year.

Naomi #1 is an intriguing and well-crafted comic, but its decompressed nature makes it hard to really give a verdict on it. If you enjoy an emphasis on characterization, small-town intrigue, and a look at a relatively untouched side of the DC Universe, you won't mind that the comic ends before much of the lot is revealed. Naomi looks like it'll be a slow burn, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. If nothing else, the opening issue is strong enough to justify sticking around for at least a few more issues.

What determines how quickly and easily you can perform these tasks? You guessed it: your upload speeds. When it comes to your upload speeds, again, faster is better, but you can get by with upload speeds that are slower than your download speed.

Increases an ally's mass, freeing him from any disorientation, immobilization, or hold effects and leaving him resistant to such effects for a while. Increase Density also protects the target from knockbacks, repels, and enemy teleportation, as well as smashing and energy damage. Because the target grows more dense, his movement speed is slowed. Although the damage resistance and slowing effects will not stack with multiple applications, the rest of the effects of Increase Density will. You cannot use this power on yourself.

You can hasten a single targeted ally. The target's movement speed, attack rate, and endurance recovery are all greatly increased and the target gains resistance to slow effects. You cannot use this power on yourself.

Atlee's powers are currently limitless, while she limits herself to "harmless" feats such as growing large formations of rock with the slowness needed to avoid a geological hazard, and using floating rocks as projectiles and to levitate around,[30] Gerard Shugel, the Ultra-Humanite, while residing in her body, was able to shift nearby tectonic plates with ease or cause volcanoes to erupt at his will. He surmises that Atlee has always had this amazing amount of power, but willingly chose to limit herself in fear of the damage she could cause.[33]

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Roma Antipov

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Fan Works  Blazin' Gears has Mr. Black tell Noel that guns have become a lot less useful with Ars Magus barriers around. Averted in A Dead World. While Alex might not need them, Cain and Arcade do, and so does everyone else. Arcade even has a plasma pistol and is a good shot with it. In Power Girl story A Force of Four, the four alien criminals are completely impervious to gunfire. Half-Life: Full Life Consequences: "I have to kill fast and bullets too slow!" In Hellsister Trilogy, after checking Supergirl's identity, a cop bitterly states that their weapons wouldn't have saved them if she had been her Evil Twin. The Night Unfurls: Notably averted in a fantasy setting where the Hunters' firearms are used alongside swords and spears. In Bloodborne, guns are practically peashooters. In this fanfic, they hit like a friggin truck. The only downside of these guns is that they have to be reloaded every time a bullet is fired (because they are different from modern ones in Real Life). Since the gun users often fight in close-quarters combat, they have to rely on their melee weapons just as much. No Chance for Fate: Averted in this Sailor Moon and Ranma  crossover. Guns are exactly as deadly to all human life as you would expect it to be. As for non-human life, it does take a bigger caliber to make them just as deadly. Nobody Dies: Averted by some heavy weapons, but largely played straight for conventional weapons such as EVA rifles or Unit 05 and Jet Alone Prime's weapon batteries, which are usually about as effective as Five Rounds Rapid. Zig-zagged in Perfection Is Overrated. It is pointed out that guns have comparatively less power than the Himes' abilities. On the other hand, when faced with a SUE who has the ability to drastically reduce the effectiveness of everyone else's powers, and completely cut off one person's power, Natsuki obtains a pistol and kills the SUE in one shot. Then double subverted when Natsuki tries to kill the Avatar with the same gun, only for him to make all the bullets disappear, but he points out that nothing she could bring to bear would have any effect on him anyway. Rise of the Minisukas: Since the Pallet Rifle proves to be utterly useless (Shinji cannot recall even one instance where she was effective against their giant alien enemies), Shinji is given a katana and an electromagnetic crossbow (the latter killing his target with one shot during his next deployment). Slayers Trilogy: Averted. Mirror Lina's rifle has enough power behind it to punch through the shield component of Lina's Raywing spell. This is in spite of the gun in question being roughly equivalent to a blunderbuss. Superman of 2499: The Great Confrontation: Adam Kent wears a full-body black disguise to make deals with Metropolis' crime families, but he gives away he is a metahuman when he lets their goons fire at him and their weapons fail to hurt him. In the story of lard beepus, this is the case for when the Great Forest Bandit tries to use a gun, but according to Launch her own gun can blow up a planet, so she handily averts it. In the backstory of Xendra, the Watchers Council made one with Wolfram and Hart a thousand years ago, during the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, and one of the caveats is enforced technology levels that make firearms worthless. Zig-zagged in the Naruto/ Assassin's Creed crossover Shinobi's Creed. Guns fire is shown to be extreamly painfull to leathal. However they are using Renaissance era firearms that are to slow and inacurate to use against ninja Zig-zagged in Zeppo: Halo. According to Faith's Watcher, guns are mostly useless against vampires (unless using specialty rounds) but are considered the best weapon for killing demons. Subverted in Fall of Liberty. Guns are only useless if you don't aim for the head. Crossover story The Vampire of Steel plays with this. A couple of vampires nearly gun Buffy the Vampire Slayer'' down, but their guns are useless when Supergirl barges in their lair. The Multiverser Saga: Against enemies such as the Antiversers, the Multiversers tend to favour melee/ability-based combat over guns because they know a firefight won't get either side anywhere. Reinforced in Superwomen of Eva 2: Lone Heir of Krypton when it is stated that not even Kryptonite bullets would harm Asuka because they are too fragile to survive the stress of being fired out of a fire weapon. Played with in crossover fanfiction Vanishing Act: While guns in the real world are very much as effective as it should be (unless there is a sufficiently fast Stand), they're outclassed by Personas/Stands in the Metaverse. On the other hand, if you weaken the target's cognition... On the other side of the subversion coin, Naoto uses a gun to drive off Lars Gunsche. Again subverted: Mista uses his revolver to kill some of Yaldabaoth's angels in an omake. While Sex Pistols may make the bullets hit harder and more accurately, it's still a normal gun he uses to shoot them. In Kara of Rokyn, Lex Luthor manages to transfer Superman's powers to villains Starfire -nothing to do with the Teen Titan member- and Cyber, and it's stated that thermonuclear weapons would not even scratch them. Played with in The Moon's Flash Princess: on one hand, normal guns are barely useful only on extremely weak "mook" youma, as it takes an entire magazine from a Type 64 battle rifle to kill one; on the other, a far more advanced and powerful pulser can one-shot weak youma and stagger stronger ones... But there's currently only one, and only one person qualified to use them, on the whole planet. Played with in Wilhuff Tarkin, Hero of the Rebellion: when Tarkin, Rivoche and Luke try and scare off a coalition of Tusken tribes Rivoche opens fire with a blaster rifle so powerful it utterly disintegrates human-sized targets, but A'sharad Hett is able to deflect the shots in the sky... But when he's shot by Luke's slugthrower (basically, a normal firearm) the bullet gets through melted and sets his clothes on fire, allowing Rivoche to shoot him. Even then it takes three hits to disintegrate him. In Chapter 23 of Pokmon Reset Bloodlines, when Belladonna reaches the door to the Power Plant's control room, she finds two guards who threaten her with their weapons. When she refuses to back off, they fire upon her, she blocks the bullets creating a Sludge Wave wall, and then she kills one of them spitting toxic fluid in his face. Her inner monologue reveals that she firmly believes in this trope:"She was quite used to guns. They didn't make her flinch. They were silly toys anyway, weapons of the powerless to try and pretend to be powerful. If you weren't a Bloodliner, train a Pokmon. A gun didn't make you look like anything but unsightly." e24fc04721

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