For example, we have a ticket where the user specifies the environment they need access to (Dev, Dev 2, Test, Test 2, UAT, Prod etc.). This results in a small change in the parameter I pass to an action later on. What I'd like to do is update a scratchpad variable with 'environment=prod', then the action is just set to use the scratchpad variable - rather than duplicate the action 8 times in every if statement.

Hard to say exactly how to do without perhaps a screenshot of what you are trying to achieve in more detail. But there isn't any "scratchpad" feature in flow designer and you shouldn't really need it since you can access all "data" from every step. The worst case is that you would need to do a custom action that takes the user variable as an input, you do the logic and output would be the parameter you use later on.

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Anyhow, my question is regarding erasing when using the 2nd Gen Apple Pencil, in my case on Apple Ipad Mini 6. Apple Pencil can be double tapped to switch between current tool (e.g. writing) and erasing, and in Apple Notes the Pencil can erase small or large area depending on angle it is held, or entire object. AnkiMobile just has undo or erase all. This makes it impossible to erase and correct an error in middle of sentence without rewriting everything from middle to end of sentence.

The original use case for the scratchpad was for people practicing kanji/hanzi characters, where you lift your pencil/finger up after each stroke, so the undo currently works based on strokes. An updated implementation based on PencilKit (like when drawing in the editing screen) is an option in the future, provided it can be made to perform well for users using their fingers (on iPhone).

Is there an option available to keep the scratchpad INSIDE Scrivener? For example, when I am working with different apps inside my Mac and I need to do a screen shift, the scratchpad moves to that different screen outside of Scrivener and I have to close the scratchpad in order to use whatever app is on the next screen and then reopen the scratchpad when I move back to the screen that houses Scrivener to resume work. This really messes with my flow.

If you need a little (or a lot) more than what a QuickRef window can give you, there is also this project template, which has a full project with its settings stripped down to the core, so that it pretty much looks exactly like the Scratch Pad window.

I would like to use the scratchpad in project notebook multiple times. I first copy and paste a data table into the scratchpad and then copy and paste this data table into a word document and it works well. If I do the same thing for a second time within the same bot, there is sometimes leftover data from the first use of scratchpad that does not get overwritten. How do I tell uipath to not save the data I add into the scratchpad so the scratchpad is empty after each use?

I want to learn about scratchpad memory allocation, and I want to understand difference between energy consumption of scratchpad memory allocation and normal cache memory allocation, where should i start ?, is ccstudio would show energy level graph ?, which processor is suitable for beginner level of Scratchpad memory allocation? pls guide me!.....

There is no cache on the F28035. Now, RAML1, L2 can be used as CLA data RAM on this device (by configuring some bits in the MMEMCFG register); you could configure these RAMs to act as CLA data ram and then place the scratchpad section (.scratcpad) in either (or both) of these RAMs. I should point out that the scratchpad acts as sort of a stack for the CLA.

I'm not quite sure i understand the question. The CLA scratchpad is not a physical memory like a cache. You basically pick one of the two physical RAML(1/2) and assign the logical section .scratchpad to it in the linker command file. The CLA C compiler will then store all the local, auto variables, function arguments etc to this memory - the CLA does not have access to the c28x stack pointer (SP) and its associated addressing modes; there are no PUSH POP operations on the CLA. The compiler team had to come up with a way to support a stack-like memory for C implementation and, so came up with the scratchpad - again its a logical (not physical) memory section

You could try to subscribe to Professional for one month to see if -- just maybe -- your multiple scratch pad content is still there. It might be there and is just inaccessible -- kind of like Version History is there for all plans but only Personal and above can access it.

WRT "no warnings," here's the article comparing features of the different plans: -us/articles/209005157. You have to scroll down pretty far, but "Customize Home with multiple pinned note and scratch pad widgets" is marked for Professional and Teams plans only. Since scratch pads can always be converted to notes, it might good just on general principles to do that rather than keep them hanging around for months.

Scratch pad is exactly what it is called - that slip of paper lying around you use to quickly jot down something. The scratchpad is not meant to keep content for longer, and it is not syncing by itself to the database. So I think in this case the content got erased when the account downgraded.

Between Terrys stuff and the tweaks that were made, somehow your Swagger URL was wrong.

Secondly, the call you are making does not return JSON, so hence the error. (Note Terry was doing a PAC control POST and GET were as you are doing a scratchpad one so its different). Change the node to return a string and that error is resolved.

I type in 5000 into the mod scratchpad widow. I then open the DSMS page, open the GBU-12 profile and click on the Min Alt OSB. Nothing happens. Am I missing something? Would love to use this mod since getting data into the various Nav and Weapons pages can get cumbersome especially in flight. I am not using VR just everyday 2D. Thanks for any help!

It's not supposed to do that. Consider it a note book. You can go to F10 map, jot down coordinates in scratchpad go back to the cockpit and enter them. But you have to enter them manually like a reallife pilot does.

I suspect that Windows is somehow to blame for this, probably not reading the extensions properly since opening them or something. However, I even made sure that lua and dlg files are opened from notepad by default.

Hey folks, scratchpad has stopped working for me in 2.7. It still loads up, but in the map I tick the box then press the button and nothing is saved. Tried re-installing the files. Anyone else had this issue?

Scratchpad cells can be executed using Shift-Enter (other shortcuts are appled to the notebook document). The scratchpad can be toggled by clicking the icon in the bottom-right, or via the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-B.

My idea is usually Cortex-M series (low-end ones) do not have an MMU and an internal SRAM that can be used as a scratchpad / Cortex-A series (high-end ones) have an MMU but not a scratchpad (the only internal SRAM is the cache).

Many five-star reviews and happy customers, like below from Chelsea N:

"My dog Aussie is not a fan of her nails being done, I am a dog trainer and know the importance of touching their paws and while I can do that dremels and clippers trigger her. We also walk her on pavement a lot but it only goes so far! This is a dream and within 4 days of training she is starting to get it! ??"

We purchased a scratchpad kit for our Hyenas (GSDs) that hate sitting still for their nails to be clipped! It takes a little bit of training but the company includes easy to follow instructions that work! The pads absolutely work! Our original order arrived a little bent & cracked. I reached out to customer service and they had a new set to us so quickly. That was so appreciated, highly recommend their product & their company!

Cannot recommend this enough! The instructions were easy to follow and I started the training when I placed the order so my dog was able to start using the board immediately when it arrived. The results after a few sessions are noticeable and this has saved us both from the stress of nail trims. He loves to use it!

My dog is quite dramatic when it comes to getting a nail trim so I was looking for an alternative method. A friend recommended this method and with a little online searching I found ScratchPad. So far my dog has mastered filing her front paws and we are going to move onto the back paws next. Love the videos, they are so helpful!

This is an amazing product. My dog has always hated nail trims. I followed the instructions that came with this scratchpad, and he no longer has to deal with the clippers! The size is perfect for my large dog. Great purchase!

Large and heavy enough to stay propped up while my dog scratches on it. Large enough area that it is easy for my dog to do his scratching on the pad instead of the rug as happened with the small scratch pad I was using.

This is my second purchase from ScratchPad. I previously ordered for small dogs - cockapoos - and was very happy with how easy it was to train the dogs to use. Recent purchase was for a golden retriever (who is very against the traditional clipping of nails). She picked up the process (with the help of a few treats) within minutes. Very happy with the product.

As in most microprocessor-based systems with caches, the best you can do is attempt to control the cache so that it acts more like a scratchpad memory. There are no documented mode switches for Xeon Phi that would allow the cache to be directly controlled as a scratchpad memory.

For the DTD's there is almost no documentation of the functionality, and certainly no indication that there is any way to change the protocol. It is possible that some aspects can be modified via firmware, but most of the functionality is probably hard-coded into the silicon. 152ee80cbc

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