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Denton County Reclamation & Road District

Below are popular FAQ's but if you have other questions for the DCRRD, you can use the 'Contact' link for additional information.

Q: How is this tax computed?

A: Unlike your city, school and county taxes that are based on the assessed value of the your property (an Ad Valorem Tax), the District utilizes a flat tax format that is based solely on the platted size of your lot. It is computed upon the percentage of your lot in relation to one acre times the tax rate. All property owners within the District are paying the exact same amount based on the size of their property as recorded with the Denton Central Appraisal District.

Q: Can I pay my taxes by credit card?

A: Yes, you can find the link to pay your DCRRD tax by credit card on your tax statement.

Q: Who is the Utility Tax Service, LLC?

A: Utility Tax Service, LLC is a Registered Texas Assessor-Collector (RTA) licensed by the State of Texas. A Registered Texas Assessor-Collector (RTA) must complete 30 hours of approved continuing education to be eligible to renew their registration. The continuing education must include: (1) two hours in ethics; and (2) a state laws and rules updated course. The DCRRD began vetting RTA's in early 2015, and began working with Utility Tax Service, LLC in early August, 2015 before entering into a contract with UTS effective September 1, 2015.

Q: What if I pay my tax to the District after the January 31 deadline?

A: Per the TEXAS TAX CODE, CHAPTER 33. DELINQUENCY, the penalty and interest per month is calculated based upon the original tax amount due and are as follows:

  • February 7%
  • March 9%
  • April 11%
  • May 13%
  • June 15%
  • July 18% + 20% Attorney Fees = 38%
  • August 19% + 20% Attorney Fees = 39%
  • September 20% + 20% Attorney Fees = 40%
  • October 21% + 20% Attorney Fees = 41%
  • November 22% + 20% Attorney Fees = 42%
  • December 23% + 20% Attorney Fees = 43%

Q: What is a "Notice to Purchaser"?

A: State Law requires the Seller to give a notarized written Notice To Purchaser that the property being purchased is taxable by the DCRRD (the District). The District has no means of enforcing the Notice. It is the Seller’s responsibility. The Purchaser has certain legal rights if a "Notice To Purchaser" is not given.

Q: Does my Mortgage Company pay this tax?

A: Tax statements are sent to the property owner. If you have an escrow account, the District's tax is payable from your escrow the same as all other property taxes. It is highly recommended that you send a copy of your DCRRD Tax Statement and your loan number to your mortgage company to avoid the possibility of it being overlooked and having your District Tax become Delinquent. This also prevents duplicate payments being made by you and your mortgage company.

Q: Is this tax eligible for Homestead or any other exemptions?

A: This tax is not eligible for any type of exemptions.

Q: What is this tax for?

A: To pay each property owner's pro-rata share of the operational, maintanence and debt service costs of the District. The ongoing maintenance includes the channels, retention lake, pump station and the District levee.