Ethical Use of Information
The dictionary definition of Plagiarism is:
pla·gia·rism [pley-juh-riz-uhm]
"1. the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work, as by not crediting the author. Synonyms: appropriation, infringement, piracy, counterfeiting; theft, borrowing, cribbing, passing off."
In other words, when you plagiarize someone else's work, you are stealing their work and putting your name on it as though it is your original work. Therefore, you should not "copy and paste" from the Internet or any other digital work or write down another's work word for word. If you do, you must use "quote marks" and cite your source.
To AVOID PLAGIARISM, you should always give credit to the person who created the original work. Click on the Media Resources link to find help in citing your sources. Persons who create a work with their own original ideas hold a copyright to their work.