

Dong Chan Kim, Ph.D. (김동찬)

 Assistant Professor

 Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Gachon University


 Office: 산학협력관2 6-13


 Tel: +82-31-750-5366

 Google Scholar (link)

Education and Professional Experiences

2023 –                   Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Gachon University

2021 – 2023     Staff Researcher, Material Center, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT)

2014 – 2021     Ph.D. in School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University

           - Advisor: Prof. Dae-Hyeong Kim

           - Thesis: Flexible, foldable, and stretchable quantum dot light-emitting diodes

2010 – 2014     B.S. in Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST