DCarsonCPA Site Dex

DCarsonCPA Site Dex - Drawing together the evolved lines to Value in Context:

A few referential points (Draft in Edit - Will be reviewed and Updated):

  • The DCarsonCPA lines launched in late 2009 into early 2010 as a result of a drive to pull together 16+ years of accounting, financials, tax, regulatory, compliance, legal, technology teamwork and social learning on Industry, Non Profit, Govt and Community lines through accounting, financials and lean management consulting for C-Level Executives, Financial and Services Sector Entities, Diverse Industries, Banking, Broker-Dealers, Capital Markets, Investment Banking, Insurance, Wealth Management, Non Profit and Government lines.
  • At the Core the Goal was to look to the best of lines, the lead lines on Accounting, Tax, Financials, Regulatory, Compliance, Management Reporting, Finance and Analysis and establish a lines of core value and excellence to productively compete with the lead lines of the best in class breeds to show the value of years of lean management consulting across Fortune 500, FTSE 100, Govt, SME and Community lines to needs..
  • A Few core experiences with Economics, Law, Statistics, Social Research, Gov, Health Sciences, Engineering, and Technology lent me an advantage that as explored proved to me the core value of purpose and value in context on my own mission lines to grow to the optimal of capacity to help Industry, Non Profit, Govt, Community, Individual and Family leaders find support on Financial Leadership needs with value in context as the evolved statement on my value to help on needs in many sectors.
  • It is said that the stone that the builder refused is the one upon which you can rest your spiritual home it may seem not to work in physical building engineering, but in social engineering which connects creative and hard skills and brings together the human and mechanical elements it seems to be an x factor to help understand underlying synergy to an order of things... enough said at a minimum we have many layers of proof to the consistency of mathematics and it's derivative elements to music as universal languages to a larger order. Our learning has always been guided by the goal to use the skills both for practical needs and to help on larger needs of services for humanity and community line to needs in a model of reference as implied.
  • IF you are a stone that the builder refused take heed in context that you may yet still have substantial value - push to follow that value to find the gift as each one of us is given gifts that contribute to help on teamwork. The value of having a different view is that you can see the picture through a perspective which can bring new value to analysis if you can also strengthen the communications skills and follow the path to find the value of your particular gift.
  • There is a linear argument that if something does not follow a line segment that it cannot be included, there is a more powerful scientific argument that a dotted and segmented path can be extrapolated to a mathematically discernable pattern to align erstwhile seemingly random events into a synergistic path to see the connecting lines across all things and we may trust to the degree of the knowable that Mathematicians, Economists, Statisticians, Analysts, Scientists, Engineers and Thinkers to find the connection. If you fall to conversation of linearity bring the conversation of how pulses and rhythms inevitably connect to a larger pattern of math and waves. Musical skills as a subset of Math and Physics to work with sounds and wave theory are a training ground which if correctly cross connected to STEM bring unique strength to see order in the seemingly random patterns of the things around us. If you are an abstract thinker and you can also root that skills to practical needs you can build on #ValueinContext.
  • The Experience of building the DCarsonCPA lines took me from the roots of accounting and financials on a continual path of analysis as necessary parallel to the evolution from Audit - CFO / Controlling to Analysis skills to the eventual yield of an ever increasing command to range to next line needs of the roll ups to Economist, Statistician, Analyst and Community lines to needs. The whole of the accounting and reporting chain is to cover entity, policy and community needs in the abstract as the whole of the chain for Shareholder and broadline Stakeholder value previously defined in SFAC under the hierarchy of Accounting as seen and forseeble users of financials as the stakeholders of financial reporting. Because in societal terms financials tend to be the ways that we get to needs this becomes helpful for analysis.
  • You can accomplish much independently with rugged individualism and commitment to cause but you can accomplish more through exceptional teamwork, always build to the value of the team and seek for the path to see the gifts in people and variation. The value inherent in diversity is perspective and ability to see many angles to needs to build on human teamwork. The diversity in humanity exists to support that we think better together through a rich wealth of perspective and at the core is the dr iver of human value which can align us on teams to better achieve results. We have achieved much on our lines but value just as much to join lines to needs to help on Entity, Policy and Community Value Chains through Services, Applied Research and Outreach.
  • Always Open to Economist, Analyst, Statistical, Actuarial, Engineering, Policy, Legal and Technology or aligned roles in compliment to the core of Financials, Data Science and Context where these core skills build on value for Entity, Policy and Community needs. To work on parts of the whole and the whole of the parts in the continual pursuit of excellence is our mission to services and research to help on outreach.
  • Just as in the time of creation of the DCarsonCPA lines a Theory of Everything was a driving line in Science and we have always followed science actively, a Theory of Everything on Entity, Policy and Community value could be seen as the open thesis of DCarsonCPA connecting Financial and Community value in prelude to My Thesis where mapping to seek funding for an Economist / JD Master or Financial Engineering MA for optimal value on forward lines. The Pursuit of higher education in a time of not many lines on support to meet the needs and a question of why on the avenue of some 10k applications to economist, statistician, financial, legal and policy roles where seeking to help on the debt and deficit challenges on a federal fiscal level led to the build out of knowledge to prove value. If you are not responding then you lead me to question why, what value have I not proved to help on needs... eventually we find that there are more reasons to why we can help than why we cannot by the shear factor of agility to trans navigate macro and micro financial, legal, technology, engineering, teamwork and social research to entity, policy and community needs. In my life I have been fortunate to grow and learn, to work and observe some very smart people. Learning through Osmosis and hard work reading what others would chose rather not to read is a formula to find new value through a consistent framework.
  • DCarsonCPA lines on Leadership support for Commerce and Trade, Entity, Policy and Community needs across Growth, Risk and Logistics (including Supply Chain Mangement) lines to needs with a mind set to train a new generation of Accountants to offer more context to value to help on improvements through the core map of #datascience #financialreproting and #ValueinContext to help on entity, policy and community needs in the economy through the financials.
  • Our skills resolve to entity, policy and community lines of value that support the lines of most every sector with context to value that runs through the financials as a tool to help on needs working from the why to how. Typically Accounting value flows from how but the greater value comes from why which is more powerful than the linear line as the abstract to context in the aggregate of value. We integrate institutional , academic, govt and social research and hands on value to needs to help on performance. A life well lived includes continual learning, teaching, growth and hands on doing . DCarsonCPA is here for multi-dimensional value.