Dongbin Jiao(焦栋斌), Ph.D


School of Information Science and Engineering

Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, P.R.China

Email: dbjiao.cs  AT  or  jiaodb AT


I received my B.S. degree in Information and Computing Sciences from Lanzhou University of Technology in 2008, and my M.Eng. degree in Software Engineering from Dalian Maritime University in 2012, under the supervision of Prof. Rong Chen. In the same year, I joined Lanzhou Petrochemical College of Vocational Technology, where I was an Assistant Lecturer with the Department of Information Processing and Control Engineering from Sept. 2012 to Jul. 2015. I received my Ph.D. degree in Control Science and Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, in Dec. 2019, under the supervisor of Prof. Liangjun Ke. I was a visiting Ph.D. student to Prof. Liqun Fu' s group at Xiamen University from Apr. 2017 to Jun. 2018,  and Prof. Ke Tang's group at Southern University of Science and Technology from Aug. 2018 to Jun. 2019. Since Mar. 2020,  I am a Lecturer with School of Information Science and Engineering, Lanzhou University, China.  I am also an IEEE member and an IEEE ComSoc member.

Research Interests

I am dedicated to a new frontier in interdisciplinary research,  involving AI, machine learning, IoT, operations research, ecology, grass science, and other related fields. In particular, my research interests are focused on energy-efficient design, network resource optimization, federated learning, reinforcement learning, combinatorial optimization, evolutionary learning, and their application in ecology and environment protection. 



Journal Papers

Conference Papers


Current Students 

I am fortunate to work together with these outstanding students:

Graduate Students

Undergraduate Students






Address:  Room 313, Feiyun Building, No. 222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, 730000, P.R. China.