30% of the global population spends at least 32 hours per month online. 92% spend their online hours reading emails, visiting social media, and using search engines. So finding the best browsers for Linux can help make your day smoother.

With many options available, choosing a browser that suits your requirements and aligns with your operating system is essential. Professionals are now moving activities to the cloud, meaning browsers are the most used applications on the OS.

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Chrome and Microsoft Edge are the most popular in the Windows OS community. This post will explore the best web browsers for Linux, highlighting the factors to consider and how different browsers interact with the OS.

Top-notch security and privacy are some things that draw many people to Linux OS. Therefore, a fitting browser should have enhanced security and privacy settings. This includes robust security options such as solid encryption, malware blocking, and phishing protection.

Web technologies are continually evolving, and a browser built for Linux should support the latest web standards and features. This will make accessing modern web content easier and give you a superb browsing experience.

A user-friendly interface is essential in a browser, allowing customization to suit individual preferences. A great Linux browser should have numerous themes, extensions, and the potential to customize UI aspects.

Consistent updates and robust developer support are essential for handling security vulnerabilities and enhancing overall performance. The Linux best browser has a track record of timely updates and active development communities.

Vivaldi is developed on web technologies such as React.js, Node.js, HTML5, and several NPM modules. Although it may have a learning curve, it is one of the neatest and feature-rich Linux browsers. Its top features include:

Being a Chromium-based browser, Brave resembles Chrome in several ways, such as being built on Java V8. However, it is focused on delivering an ad-free browsing experience and enhanced privacy. Its top features include:

Microsoft introduced Edge when releasing Windows 10 in 2015, marking a clear shift in its web browser strategy. The browser was developed from scratch using a new rendering engine, EdgeHTML (and later Blink). This tool was designed to be more modern, efficient, and in line with current web standards.

Choosing the best browsers for Linux can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Linux server management. The OS is popular for its versatility and robustness, making it an industry standard for running web servers, applications, and other demanding workloads. It is important to have a fast and responsive browser to prevent lagging or slow-loading interfaces.

Since you need seamless server management across multiple devices, having a browser compatible with various platforms is essential. This allows you to manage your server from a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

Furthermore, a majority of server management tools and interfaces are web-based. Your browser has to be fully compatible with these web interfaces. It should also support many useful extensions, such as VPNs and password managers, to ensure enhanced productivity and functionality.

These Linux best browsers have excellent functionalities for protecting your privacy and enhancing safety. Chrome is one of the best choices if you need a superfast browser. It is also a great option if you want interconnectedness with your other Google Apps and Services to increase your productivity.

Overall, the best Linux browsers should support your business functions and enhance productivity while giving you maximum privacy and security. RedSwitches offers a wide range of server solutions for businesses of all sizes.

Since Ubuntu is a Linux distribution, Chrome and Firefox are generally considered to be some of its fastest browsers. However, the speed of any browser on Ubuntu can vary, depending on the hardware the OS is installed on, web content, and extensions.

Both browsers have significantly incredible speeds, which can vary depending on the specific system and tasks. Some benchmarks slate Chrome as the faster option, but Firefox is popular for its efficiency and resource-friendliness.

The Brave browser is a fast, private and secure web browser for PC, Mac and mobile. Download now to enjoy a faster ad-free browsing experience that saves data and battery life by blocking tracking software.

It turns out in my case webkitgtk3 was not installed (an OS update was performed on the system where I was running it that may have led to it being uninstalled). Once we installed it the internal documentation works correctly in KNIME. KNIME still starts the external browser as well (which as before does not automatically load documentation for nodes when clicked on in the KNIME windows) but more importantly the documentation panel in KNIME does work as it ought to.

Looks like I was destroyed the Linux Browser Installation GUI by inadvertently trying to copy your commands (I am not a programmer nor sysadmin). Now the Linux Browser Installation GUI is answering me Failed to execute command '/usr/local/bin/lbi-gui' after login. And Vivaldi already installed after ./linux-browser-installer install vivaldi.

since I installed Quod Libet (around 1 year ago), Ex Falso is my default file browser. I have stated this behavior in two different computers as a system wide setting. Since I am using Gnome3, I would like to have Nautilus as default file browser. What can I do? How can I know what setting files where modified by Quod Libet upon installation?

I had a similar issue. But here, the problem was that xdg-open detected the wrong DE here (I don't have any) and so it always opend pcmanfm as the filebrowser. I want xdg-open to lookup the default application for inode/directory, and one can force that by

Is there a way I can make it work with Chrome? Otherwise, how do I change the default browser? The usual answer I've come across is that I have to change the c.NotebookApp.browser option, but I can't find a way to do so, since trying to find ipython_notebook_config in the terminal comes up with 4 results:

As JupyterLab is increasingly replacing Jupyter Notebook, here is an update to customize the default browser in which JupyterLab is launched. The solution is extremely similar to the accepted answer from @Christof:

I tried the accepted answer in Ubuntu 22.04 answer, but it didn't work for me which I discovered was because Firefox is packaged as a snap package in Ubuntu 22.04. I circumvented this obstacle by installing Web (Web browser for GNOME) with this command:

So I was about to launch my exam and then I come to a page with download PSI Secure browser button. PSI what...? Hm... OK. So I click on the download button, nothing happens... I was on Vivaldi. I change to Chrome, same. I change to Firefox, a pop-up opens saying "Can't find App..." I start looking around internet for this secure browser and after some time I reopen candidate handbook just to realize that the verification process has changed since I got verified for passing the exam, and that now we have to download this secure browser which is .exe (???) Obviously, I can't use .exe files since I'm on Linux system...

I couldn't take the exam because of this problem. When I click in the button and agree with the pop up, nothing happens, the browser does not install and the exam is not launched. In this case, is it possible to reschedule?

We are sorry to hear about the issues you are having with the exam. Please open a ticket with the Customer Support team at trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org and they will assist you. The forum is used exclusively for course content-related issues.

Hi @kbarratt @sirgabriel were you able to get the secure browser to download? When I try to download the browser from _rpnow_download.jsp on Ubuntu, I get an error. Is the there URL which works for Linux (Ubuntu)?

Same issue happened to me today. I have downloaded the PSI secure browser during the checking. Then when I click launch the exam button it is not opening and prompted to download again and again. Therefore I was unable to take the exam. I have already submitted a ticket.

Same happened with me on 7th August. Downloaded PSI secure browser and it showed it had been installed but it was not opening. Reinstalled 5 times, deleted all previous files as they instructed. Nothing happened. I wasted all my time doing this. I opened a ticket to PSI support and they responded within 2 hours. I talked to their support for around 50-60 mins, they also did not find the issue on my Ubuntu 20.04 OS. They admitted something is wrong at their side. They asked me to open a ticket at Linux Foundation. I opened a ticket on Sunday night and got response on Wednesday evening. They reset the status of my exam. Finally, I am in peace.

Can't run PSI secure browser, during my CKA exam, have no idea why. Could you please add proper system requirement check? It showed it was fine and now I'm bugged trying to fix issue during exam time for which I paid $. Would be nice if I could prepare system for exam before exam, not during...

I have a website which is being hosted by a Linux Server. I can access my files of my website using SSH. I was thinking if it is possible to install a web browser into my linux server so that I can browse websites in it.

If you have only SSH access to your server, I'm not sure if a graphical browser would work without installing Xorg on server side, as the packages pull Xorg as a dependency, however you could try to install a Web-Browser from a tar.gz file and forward X over SSH by using ssh -x.

If you have administrative privileges on the system, and you know what package manager it uses, you can simply install the browser like you normally would. However, I suspect you only have access to a subset of the files.

According to Wikipdia : "Lynx is a highly configurable text-based web browser for use on cursor-addressable character cell terminals. It is the oldest web browser currently in general use and development, having started in 1992 and as of 2013, 21 years later, still in use and development." 2351a5e196

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