
Server Rules

1.0 - General Server Rules

1.1 - The Group Limit on Epoch Enhanced is 10, with 6 members maximum being online at one time. Alliances are not allowed. (In the event of a raid, the extra group members are not allowed to log in to assist.)

1.2 - Do not be toxic to other players, we are all here to have fun.

1.3 - No personal threats against other community members, whether it be a joke or not.

1.4 - Do not impersonate staff members, or pretend to be staff.

1.5- Do not lie to staff in support tickets.

1.6 - Politics and similar topics can be discussed, as long as there is no toxicity or offense caused.

1.7 - English only in side chat.

1.8 - This is DayZ. Things are going to break, not work or just glitch out, the admins will do their best to help you if possible. We cannot help you if you do not ask, so make tickets when things go wrong. Do not DM staff members.

1.9 - Don't argue with Staff in chat, if you have an issue please make a ticket.

1.10 - No items will be replaced without screenshot/video proof. (Situational)

1.11 - No revealing a player's base locations in global chat or Discord. However, you are allowed to tell people there's a guy sniping Elektro for example.

1.12 - Do not combat log. Combat logging is disconnecting within 10 minutes of combat.

1.13 - No cheating, duping or exploiting in any way that gives you an unfair advantage.

1.14 - Do not loot cycle.

1.15 - No stream sniping. 

2.0 - Base Building Rules

2.1 - Maximum of 1 Territory per group.

2.2 - The server will automatically tell you if you are too close to a Military Base or non building area.

2.3 - If the server does not prevent you from building in a certain area, you are allowed to build there.

2.4 - No sky bases, bases are limited to 3 floors high on a free standing base.

2.5 - You are limited to 8 doors per base. (This includes gates!)

2.6 - No floating bases, all floors must connect to a supporting structure.

2.7 - You are not allowed to stack storage boxes or kits.

2.8 - Do not block access to wells.

2.9 - Do not block doors with objects.

2.10 - Every base MUST have a way in via door or gate.

2.11 - No building or fortifying whilst being raided. 

3.0 - Raiding Rules

3.1 - Record your raids. It's the best way to guarantee that you will not be under suspicion.

3.2 - Tier 1 Walls, Doors and Roofs can be raided, T2 and T3 are Door/Gate ONLY.

3.3 - Camping a base for more than two hours will be considered griefing.

3.4 - Do not destroy player's vehicles at their base for no reason, this is griefing.

3.5 - Do not drop items out of someone's storage in order to de-spawn it.

3.6 - In-siding is not allowed. (Betraying a team-mate, usually for their base loot.)

3.7 - No stacking multiple objects in order to get in or out of areas.

3.8 - You can only stack onto 1 player, vehicle or object in order to get into a base.

3.9 - Do not log out during any part of a raid! This is combat logging.

3.10 - Do not log out with your best loot when being raided, your character will be wiped.

3.11 - Do not glitch into, or use any exploits to get inside people's bases.

3.12 - Do not raid the same base again for 72 hours. (3 days). 

4.0 - Vehicle Rules

4.1 - If you lose a vehicle to a restart, server crash, anomaly of physics or any other weird game bug make a Discord Ticket.

4.2 - Record any problems or bugs with vehicles, that way if you lose them you can prove you had it.

4.3 - If your vehicle gets stuck, you can request staff's assistance via a Discord Ticket. (Try a wrench first!)

4.4 - Collision damage is disabled on vehicles. Bullets will do damage to vehicles and occupants. Be mindful of this when making tickets.

4.5 - Use Camo nets to cover your vehicles. - Large groups of un-covered vehicles will be deleted.

4.6 - If you lose your vehicle's keys, use a lockpick or screwdriver. Staff will not help you with it unless it is due to a proven glitch.

4.7 - Each group / territory is limited to 4 cars and 1 helicopter

4.8 - Any vehicles that you uncover must be recovered, this includes other player's vehicles at their base. Failure to do so is considered griefing.

4.8 - Do not randomly remove people's camonets from their vehicles, the auto-cover system is in place for a reason.